View Full Version : Dentist appointment tomorrow - VERY Anxious!

02-03-14, 19:06
So, I'm scheduled for two extractions tomorrow at about 1PM.

I won't be put under as I am not comfortable at all with that alternative. I'll be awake for the procedure. I'll be getting a few shots of Novocaine I'm sure. That and a topical gel of sorts like last time. Either way, I've NEVER had a tooth pulled before, let alone two in one go. I'm downright terrified of dentists. Their offices and even the mere thought of them send my Anxiety through the roof. I HATE the lack of control I have when laying down in that damned chair. They have complete and total access to your mouth the entire time and that's not something I'd say I'm necessarily okay with. <.<

With all the dental instruments that'll be poking around in there, surely there will be room for error? What if something goes wrong during the extraction process? What if something goes wrong AFTER the extraction process? What if the sites don't heal the way they're suppose to? What if dry socket or infection develops?

Oh, and I was prescribed Clindamycin 150mg liquid form to take for 7 days two weeks ago, which I did. I finished both bottles. It was given to me for a growing infection and a lingering infection located in the same teeth that need to come out tomorrow. These were discovered after x-rays were taken. After examining the swollen glands in my throat (underneath my chin and jawline) my dentist was sure that the infections were the root cause of my condition. After completing the course of antibiotics, the swelling was still present. It's only been getting more and more uncomfortable ever since, as well. So, if the antibiotics neutralized the infection, why are the glands still badly swollen? That does not add up to me. Shouldn't they have returned to normal size? Could the infections STILL be there, then? And, if that's the case, is it even SAFE to pull the afflicted teeth?

Has anyone ever went through extractions while wide awake? How much pain/pressure did you feel? Was it bearable? Are things like these blown out of proportion and made out to be scarier than they actually are? How much blood and puss will be draining from my mouth afterwards and for how long? Will there be even more swelling because of it?

Thank you guys for any/all replies. They'll help me a GREAT deal, you honestly have no idea. Hah...

02-03-14, 20:11
Hi. I also have got to have two extractions on Tuesday. I too am pretty anxious about it. I have had 2 pulled out before but this time I have to have surgery to cut the root out. I am absolutely dreading it. I keep trying to remind myself that I have had 2 cesareans in the past so it can't be worse than that! When I had my first extractions it really wasn't bad at all, you can just feel the dentist tugging away and I felt no pain whatsoever. If I remember correctly u only bleed for a few hours after and u have like padding to keep in your mouth till the bleeding stops. I really think u will be ok sometimes in life u have just got to grin and bear it. It doesn't hurt though I'm not sure why I'm so scared. Hope it all goes well for u

02-03-14, 20:22
Thanks for the reply, man! So you're due the day after I am, huh? What a coincidence haha!

Well, if you survived two extractions, then I suppose I'll live to tell the tale, too. It's mostly the lack of control and bleeding that worries me, in all honesty.

02-03-14, 22:21
I abhor dentists - Dentists are the closest thing to a phobia I have. I will put off going as long as I can (stupid I know)

Anyways I've had 4 extractions and every one of them has been quick and painless - There is nothing to worry about - it's one procedure that doesn't worry me now that I've been through it. It's over in less than 2 minutes. Be brave and you might get a sticker :)

02-03-14, 23:32
Four? Were they your wisdom teeth, then?

How many did you get extracted at a time? Did the needle hurt? How long after did the bleeding finally clot?

Sorry I'm so full of questions. I'm just very on-edge as I have been putting this appointment off for weeks now...

02-03-14, 23:38
Needle was slightly uncomfortable - maybe 5 seconds of tingling then thats it, once it kicks in no more feeling. The blood stops after about 10 mins unless u keep playing with the area with you finger or tongue. It feels wierd having a hole there for roughly a week then it should've repaired itself.

I had 2 uppers out aged 14 cos I needed a brace fitted. As an adult I have had a further 2 removed because I was too scared to go and by the time I did it was to late to save them.

It's the drill that terrifies me, thats why I listen to music now (I also have a Valium though I wouldn't recommend this).

03-03-14, 00:23
Do they drill during the extraction? Yikes!...

Also, what if I'm allergic to the numbing gel or novacaine?

03-03-14, 00:45
I had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted as well as a couple extractions prior to cancer treatment. I understand your trepidation about dentists as I don't particularly like going either, but it really wasn't that bad. I was awake the entire time. The numbing gel takes the sting of the needle away and the Novocaine numbed me so much I didn't feel a thing. You'll be aware of some pressure but that's about it.

Just don't plan on doing anything that requires using your mouth and lips for a bit afterwards if you know what I mean ;) You'll have some gauze packed in there to help with the bleeding but it stops in an hour or so.

Really... you're working yourself up a bit. You'll be a bit sore after the drugs wear off but OTC pain relievers will work. I guarantee you'll be posting after all is said and done saying it wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be :)

Positive thoughts

03-03-14, 01:44
Thanks! Wow. Cancer treatment surely trumps a visit to the dentist's office...

I guess it's time I've put on a brave face and got this over and done with already...

Wish me luck!

03-03-14, 02:24
Wow you get numbing gel in America - we get the needle straight in.

No Wintear, they don't use the drill for extractions - I was just commenting on why I am terrified of dentists.

03-03-14, 02:34
Lucky us, huh? Haha. Not really!

Oh alright. Good thing they don't use the drill during extraction procedures...otherwise I'd be heading for the hills.