View Full Version : Have to take the "pill" but scared of a stroke!!!!

fed up with it
25-11-06, 16:02
Hi i am always drained durning and after a period, i kept having to ask for blood forms as i know i am low in iron, even though the doctors have said you are alright then when i have asked to check my ferritin and iron it comes back anemic! i don't think they understand how weak i feel the only solution is the pill, but 1. i am scared of having a stroke. 2. i was on it after my first child was born when my anxiety was at its worse and i was having bad panic attacks which i thought were due to taking the pill. 3. if i dont take it i wont know if it will help as years ago i took it without any problems and had no anemic or iron related problems. 4. i am scared of taking any medicine!!!!!!!! what to do?????

carol xx

25-11-06, 16:45
You poor thing,I hate taking meds to.Im on antidepressants.I didnt want to go on them,but Im glad I have now.If the pill is going to make you better,then I would give it ago.All meds have side affects it doesnt meen we will get them all,if any at all.

Ellen XX

25-11-06, 16:46
Hi Carol
I know just how ya feel went thru it myself......I cant tell ya what to do but for me I had to have a hysterectomy it was so bad w/pain also....you might be too young or still want more children so thats a hard decision for ya......do whatever ya think is best.. you have to weigh out the pros and cons.........good luck wish i could of gave ya more advise...................Linda[8D]

29-11-06, 23:27
Hi Carol,

First of all .. want to say .. you have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a stoke.. don't worry too much..I hate .. and im saying that loosely . because I absolutely HATE taking anything even pain medicine.. and I take my meds everyday and feel like I will always be dependant on them..When on a trip i feel i always have to make sure to have them and enough..I wish you could read the possible side effects you would freak out.. but I have to ignore it and take them anyway.I have already made a pharmacist or two angry asking so many questions about side effects and mixing medicines to the point they dont want to talk to me when I come in.I even had one tell me one time look..just dont take the medicine.. fortunately he was a friend and could talk to me that way.. So we all have to do what we have to do and although your chances are slim you could have a stroke..but think of it this way ..you could get in your car and have someone hit you .. or you could turn on your electric in your house and it kill you or you could have so many other not thought abou things happen to you everyday ..They only tell you its possible because if they dont they can get sued..They dont tell you that to worry you .. Its not going to happen to you so just do what you need to do ..and dont worry.be happy..None of us wants to take this stuff but well the other choices of doing without them is worse..so I feel for you but please help yourself.. and dont worry...Michael