View Full Version : Newbie

02-03-14, 22:08
Hi everyone , I suffer depression and crippling anxiety. I am feeling painfully low and can't seem to pull myself out of it . My thinking and thoughts are all over the place I can't seem to think like a normal person and worry about everything ( and yes I worry about worrying) my parents don't understand at all and am regularly told to buck up. This is ruining my life I would love to go to zimbabwe with my partner when I'm feeling better but am terrified I will become unwell with my depression and anxiety while I'm away. I joined this group as I feel so alone with this :weep:

02-03-14, 22:14
Aww bless your not alone lisalou you have come to the right place,lol and as if its that easy to buck ,none of us would be bad ,you will find alot of help and support here so welcome aboard x

02-03-14, 22:26
Hi lisalou. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

02-03-14, 22:31
Hi Lisalou

Welcome to the forum. There's lots of great people here and lots of help and advice. We all know what you are going through. You will get through this and come out the other side.

Take care

02-03-14, 23:55
Hi LisaLou, I also worry about worrying...anxiety has been a real battle in my life for a long time now. I think I worried from an early age, it's just got worse with the years :(

I don't think ANYBODY is normal btw...whatever normal means! You sound a sensitive and caring person and you will find lots of support and advice on here. Have you talked to your partner? I'm not saying meds are the answer but have you talked in confidence to your GP?

I have suffered with low self-esteem and anxiety for years, from the outside you would never know as I appear quite confident. But inside I have a real feeling of low self-worth. It's getting better with time, I have got lots of help and advice on here and I have read up about CBT and I am trying to apply these principles to my life. I have been back on my meds for about 11 weeks now (Citilopram) and this has put me back on a fairly even keel.

What I am trying to say is that there is hope...you have thrown an anchor out and landed at NMP - it happened to me and lots of people on here.

Keep us updated, hope you feel better soon :)
