View Full Version : Shooting pains in the head?

25-11-06, 16:18
Sorry to start off another forum but am freaking out today. Been getting shooting pains in the left side of my head for almost 2 days now. They only last a couple of seconds and happen maybe 3-6 per hour in about 3 different places in my head. Me being me, I have convinced myself its something very sinister. Its happened in the past on occasion but not as regular as this.

Does anyone else suffer? is it related to anxiety? am i right to be panicking? Please help me if you can.

Good day to all.

JulieG x

25-11-06, 18:38
Hi Julie,

Here are some posts that may help:

Head zaps
Head Shocks! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2754)
Weird Head sensations and Panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3547)
Shocks in head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5897)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

25-11-06, 21:34
hi julie,
I get sharp stabbing pains in my head too sometimes....painful enough to make me gasp. Ive had them for a few years and dont know what they are...maybe a type of neuralgia? I know painkillers dont help me cos the pains come and go so quickly.

Coni X

26-11-06, 08:17

I have suffered with headaches because of anxiety and the sharp shooting pains, which make you stop in your tracks.

I went to see a specialist and he had a name for these shooting pains but I can not remember but he told me they were nothing to worry about.

If your worried, it's best to get checked over by your doctor.


26-11-06, 10:01
Thank you for your replies.

I think just knowing someone else suffers can help (as twisted as that may sound!!) I suffer health anxiety and a little reassurance goes a long way! A relative did say exactly what you said word for word!

he had a name for these shooting pains but I can not remember but he told me they were nothing to worry about

However if they do continue I will take advice and visit the GP

Thanks again!!

Good day to all


28-11-06, 13:55
Hi Julie

When I was acute I used to get this alot. I still may get a short sharp shock from time to time, but I know this is time for me to try and relax.

'Electric shock' feelings (anywhere in the body)
The nervous system is a very complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

Hope this helps



28-11-06, 15:42
Hi there

Count me in. I get sharp pains in my head and usuall on one side. I hate them and often think the worse, but they eventually subside.


29-11-06, 11:24
Thanks for your replies.

The stabbing pains seem to have calmed down - only 2 today so far! The pains weren't really that horrendous - but the anxiety they caused was!!

I have a GP appointment tomorrow which I think I will still keep just for peace of mind.

This site is a god send.

Thanks again.

'its not what happens to you, its how you deal with it.'

JulieG x

29-11-06, 11:41
Morning Julie,

I'm on 40mg of citalopram a day and from my fingers to my toes I'm constantly shaky, but when I find myself relaxing or even just thinking of nothing in particular I have these, well, 'spasms' that sneak up on me. I find myself jerking into an alert state and realising that anyone around me had noticed me having a mini-fit. The sensation is painful but it lasts so little it's over before it's realy hit.

I've, obviously, never actually felt the feeling but I likened my all-body spasms to being cut in half from top to toe by a Samurai sword linked to the electricity system!! Daft I know but that's the sensation I get .... too much Kill Bill I think?!!!!

It's not just limited to when I'm asleep, I can be sitting still watching TV or on my computer in the office and all of a sudden some invisible being has plugged me into the mains ....... I feel like Ted Bundy!!!

Happiness and light to all,

ps. Have a look at a recent post on 'Sensation like an electick shock'

I saw her once, one little while, and then no more:
’Twas Eden’s light on Earth a while, and then no more.
Amid the throng she passed along the meadow-floor:
Spring seemed to smile on Earth awhile, and then no more;
But whence she came, which way she went, what garb she wore
I noted not; I gazed a while, and then no more!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

12-01-09, 22:23
Thankgod i found this thread! I've been worrying for ages now! Im 17 and every now and again ive been getting shooting pains mainly on the left side of my head. I had it first about a month and half ago when i was ill and it seemed to disappear but started up again this week when i got ill again, i just read on another site it can be due to sinus infections, and ear infections (which i think i have because my ears been hurting and it feels like its full of water! ) blergh, but you guys have relieved me, will still mention it to doc when i see him about my ear, if he offers me any x ray i might just take it, just to be sure :) thanks for now, keep me updated if you hear anything else!

12-01-09, 23:19
Mine is spasms caused by my tmj, it does sound stress/anx related.......

14-06-11, 18:19
I am only 16 turning 17 and I've had a problem with my sinus with my whole face and head it used to hurt and my headache really hurt and I couldn't sleep. I saw the doctor and he gave me some tablets and it gone away but now I keep getting shooting pains in my head and its making feel sick but then it goes away and then I get this horrible taste in my mouth :S

Can you help? Thanks for you time and helping me.


14-06-11, 18:24
I am only 16 turning 17 and I've had a problem with my sinus with my whole face and head it used to hurt and my headache really hurt and I couldn't sleep. I saw the doctor and he gave me some tablets and it gone away but now I keep getting shooting pains in my head and its making feel sick but then it goes away and then I get this horrible taste in my mouth :S

Can you help? Thanks for you time and helping me.


10-08-13, 11:21
Hi Chopper,
The reason of your shaky body is citalopram. you should stop taking this medicine . it is really bad and ahs no use. try to live without this tablet , it just has side effect that destroys your body and your life. I had the experience.

17-04-14, 05:53
Hi, I've never posted on this forum or any forum ever. But I was reading up on this in a couple different places and I'm a little worried. I have this thing that happens similar to what everyone is talking about, but I have an extra symptom that I can't find any information about. Basically, it seems that when I get really angry (just for a split second) I get what feel like an electric shock on the right side of my brain sort of in the frontal area of the parietal lobe. It only lasts for a split second but hurts really bad. And the second thing that happens is my vision goes black for a split second as well. And when someone really irritates me it will happen up to 5 times in a minute or as long as te person is still in front of me. (I forgot to mention I am a super calm person. It takes a lot to rattle me at all.) idk if I should talk to my physician about seeing a neurologist or what it could even be.
A little background about me: I have recently developed panic/anxiety problems and I have a prescription of zoloft that I take every day and .5mg of xanax I only take when I feel a panic attack coming on. Other than that I am a calm person and handle my stress very well.
Hopefully someone can help me out!

Thank you for your time