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View Full Version : Severe Anxiety left sided chest pain 3 days

03-03-14, 01:26
Hi since friday I have had intermittent sharp stabbing pains in the chest that last for a few seconds I can put my finger on it just above my left nipple it does not go anywhere else. It comes and goes although this evening it has been far worse, my doctor thinks it is my oesophagus or stomach tonight I have had stomach pain in the middle and under my right hand side gallbladder area Ive taken lansoprazole gavisocn paracetemol diazepam windeze to no effect it keeps on coming and going. I dont feel breathless the pain goes nowhere else but it is sharp like being stabbed and last for a few seconds. Im getting freaked out trying to do deep breathing exercises was worried about a PE or an MI but on warfarin with an INR of 3.0 could it be pulled muscle in chest doing a lot of bending today or can anxiety cause this pain?

03-03-14, 04:21
I had the same problem for about 3 weeks. A good friend of mine who is also a massage therapist suggested I try this out and it worked wonders for me. Hopefully it can help you aswell.

I guess when the 3 muscles deep inside your pectoralis minor can cause problems like described i didn't notice how sore mine actually were until i started to press in that area hard.


Here's a look at the actual muscle that might be the culprit. And was for me.


Hope this helps, I used to have shooting electrical sharp pains. Dull burning pains upper right abdominal pain. But almost all has cleared getting these damn muscles lessened up.

Note I didn'teven know these were sore or sstrained because moving or rotating my arms produced no pains.. ipushed around the upper ccollarbone areas until I felt a sorespot that felt like a knott.. wWhen I hit the spot it almost took my breath away..