View Full Version : HIV Paranoia.. I need this to end

03-03-14, 01:33
Okay, I have posted a question like this probably like 20 times. Those who know me are probably shaking their head that I must ask this again but please bare with me. Many people here on this website have given me the ease of mind.

I would like to know what you would label my thinking as...

I am convinced I can contract HIV through common contact. For example; today i was with a my gay friend in his room when he rested his hand on my shoulder when he was explaining something to me. He did this a few times. I am not homosexual, and I am 100% fine with it. But something in my mind triggers and says " Gays and HIV, I somehow have now contracted it through him touching me."

I can't even sit on his chair it bugs me out so much. I live in a dorm and I have such an issue using the bathroom/shower because of my hiv/ herpes worries...

I know better. I know it sounds so messed up that, BUT I KNOW BETTER. It's just something in my mind that won't let me get past the thought. I can't even masturbate because of what "might be" on my hand.

It's like part of me says "Joe you're so stupid..you know you can't get it that way"

but then another part of me says "Joe, now you're not going to get that girl in your class because this guy has just given you HIV and you're now doomed."

this has been going on for a year now and it really has been affecting me.

What do some people label this as? I need to be able to live my life without constant fear of contracting an STD through common contact.

that is my fear - std through common contact..

03-03-14, 07:47
Why don't you go to a STI clinic and have a chat with them. You realise your fears are unfounded and maybe hearing the same from professionals will put your mind at rest?

03-03-14, 12:54

This is your hot button. You've posted several threads pertaining to this fear and many have offered very accurate and pertinent advice and information. I don't know what anyone could say sans copying information from medical journals or government websites that can quell your fear and even at that, it doesn't help. On the positive side, you do recognize it's irrational, however you're unable to stop it from consuming your thoughts and therein lies the issue.

With all due respect, seeking help from a professional would be in order. In this way they could assess your current state of mind and devise a therapy plan to help you overcome this fear.

Positive thoughts

03-03-14, 17:57
You cannot catch it thru casual contact, simple as that.
You need to accept that fact.

07-03-14, 10:55
I used to have this fear when I was younger, maybe 11 - 12 years old.

My cousin married a man with aids, they are intimate and obviously use protection. They have been together almost 20 years and she has not contracted it. They share a bed, share bathroom, share everything and she is fine.

The thing is, it's not that easy to contract! By all means use protection when having sex if you are unsure of their sexual health and don't share needles (I'm sure you know this already though).

How I would label your thinking? It sounds very similar to my own thinking and I have OCD.