View Full Version : Fluctuating anxiety symptoms.

03-03-14, 07:49
Hello everyone!
I've been suffering from severe health anxiety and panic attacks for some time now. Lately it seems to have gotten worse. I have at least 1 severe panic attack per day and am in a constant state of worry about my health. My most pressing concern if my heart and having a heart attack or some kind of aortic anyerism. My breathing is a huge concern as well as it seems i am constantly aware of my breathing. I have other symptoms as well. I also seem to have fluctuating symptoms They seem to vary from day to day. Somedays i feel weak and heavy especially in my legs and my muscles twich and rumble. Somedays i have extreme tension on my scalp. It seems like everyday there is something new i'm worrying about. The most persistent symptoms are chest pain, difficulty breathing, derealization and sensitivity to light (i find bright lights intensify my derealization) Then the online searching starts and i start reading about blood clots an cancers and diabetes and blood pressure and brain tumors and strokes etc.... and it puts me more and more on edge. I haven't felt relaxed or calm in months and i just can't handle it anymore. I've developed agoraphobia as well. It seems like the second i step out my front door even to go to the store puts me in full blown panic mode. I've had ECG chest xrays etc... and it came out normal but i'm still worried. Anyone else have similar fluctuating symptoms? New symptoms that come and go. How do you cope? Any advice? Thanks for reading :)