View Full Version : New Member - Health Anxiety Sufferer

25-11-06, 17:47
Hi everyone!

I've been suffering from Health Anxiety for about 6 months now. Well, it’s been going on a bit longer but it’s in the last 6 months that I’ve started recognising it might be anxiety.

My problem seems to be focussing in on a particular symptom that might start quite small and then doesn’t clear up which then convinces me it’s serious. Like I had stomach problems a while back, convinced myself it was bowel cancer, could hardly walk for the pain some days, got referred for an ultrasound and there was nothing there. Even I could see there was nothing there onscreen and, guess what, it cleared up completely about a week later and has never returned.

The latest thing is ear problems – well just one ear to be exact. Feelings of sea-sickness, fullness, pains around the ear and also just feeling it needs clearing out though there’s no wax in there. I’m also getting tightness in the big muscle that goes down my neck on that side as well. If anyone else has experienced anything similar, I’d be interested to hear about it. I do have some sinus trouble and my Doc yesterday spotted some small nasal polyps so of course I’ve been Googling away merrily, thinking of someone I know who had horrific problems with them and worrying.

Back to the ear…went to ENT, they found nothing. Have lost count of the number of doctors trips and dental trips-to a dentist who’s a jaw specialist. No-one found anything, I felt it was aggravated by worry so went to the Doc about that and got prescribed Mirtazapine. Not sure what I thought it might do or how it might make me feel but I’m still spending much more of my time overly anxious than not.

I dunno, I seem to be in a cycle where I wake up worried and then feel symptoms and then worry more and when things don’t ease, guess what, I worry even more. I don’t think I can remember what it feels like to wake up and not be worrying yourself silly about something. I just seem to be losing motivation in things, seem to be sleeping a lot, cancelling trips out for fear of having a panic attack or going dizzy. Have had a couple of panic attacks in meetings at work. Managed to cover it up each time but it’s terrifying and then leaves you frightened of a similar situation coming up again.

Sorry for moaning so long. It helps to type it all out.

Thanks for listening…

25-11-06, 18:14
Hi and welcome, you will get plebty of help here. Health anxiety seems to be one of the most common forms of anxiet on this site and you would be amazed how many have it here. I am 57 and have had health anxiety on and off for most of my life, but not quite as bad in recent years. I think I have had just about every test done on different parts of my boddy and they never come up with anything, and I know how bad it is becouse we are 100% sure we have something real bad each time? I think its the years and affermations, Keep telling myself its anxiety and I am healthy and well over and over. Now when I get it I just think to myself well I have thought I have something real bad before and here I am at 57 still alive. You can waste so many years of life worrying aboutthings that are just a part of life. Its so hard but try not to dwell and worry as this just makes life more unbearable. Just try and do something and keep your mind bussy, and tell the symptoms they are not going to get you down and they will go. hope you get the help you need here and hope you feel better soon. Vernon

25-11-06, 18:25
Hi Rb,

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice here while making new friends on the way.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

25-11-06, 18:32
Hi Rb,

A big warm welcome to you. I too have health anxiety.

Take Care


26-11-06, 12:08
Me too you will get lots of help and reassurance here!!!

Sue K with 5
26-11-06, 15:00
Hi Rb

welcome to NMP ! Health Anxiety is a very dibilitating and can wear you down very slowly. I have had it for many years now and have experienced everything from DVT to heart failure. I am waiting for CBT at the moment and this might be something you should look into.

Speak to your GP who will refer you for some support and hopefully you will nip this in the bud early



26-11-06, 20:28
Thanks for your comments and welcomes.

I've been referred for some support so hopefully this should come around soon. Doc has referred me for anxiety management which sounds like something I could benefit from.

I suppose my biggest problem at the mo is I feel in limbo. I'm not sure the meds I've been taking have done anything. I'm lucky in a way that they've not produced any nasty side effects but I don't feel different to before taking them. I mean, I never expected to suddenly wake up carefree but I thought I might feel something.

I suppose once I get to a point where I feel something may be working and I can work with it then that's the first step.

27-11-06, 16:32

Welcome to the site, it is a fantastic place for all sorts of support and advice.

I'm sure you have checked out the health forums where you will have quickly discovered you are not alone.

Take care


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

27-11-06, 19:25

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

27-11-06, 21:13
Hi again rb,
Antidepressants can take quite a while to work, In most people around 6 to 8 weeks before yoou notice any change, But what I have noticed with antidepressand is you dant acualy feel any change, with me it was feeling realy bad before the meds then without even noticing I realised I felt much better than i did before taking them. A good Idea is to take note of how you feel at different times of the day and then at the end of each day give yourself a score out of 10 how you feel. I did this and look back after a couple of months and compare as when you get better slowly you dont seem to notice the change. Take care, Vernon

04-12-06, 20:02

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel