View Full Version : New from Stockholm, Sweden

03-03-14, 09:29
Hi, I´m from Sweden, Stockholm. I´m a 59-years old female. Live alone. Suffer from depressions and anxiety. I was OK on Fluoxetine in 12 years, then Venlafaxin in 7 years. I quit it and got depressed and now it is 14 months and I can´t still recover. At the moment I´m struggling with Fluoxetine to kick in as well as to find the goal in my life.

03-03-14, 10:21
hello ,welcome to nmp :)

blue moon
03-03-14, 10:51
Hi Norden welcome to the site,I am the same age and also suffer from anxiety and Ptsd I have had panic attacks but now under control.Try. and keep active that is what I do,there are day's when I feel not like doing anything so I go with the flow and just rest,but those day's are less.
Hope you enjoy all nmp has to offer

Petra x:D

03-03-14, 11:02
Thank you for your support. It´s my 17-th day on Fluoxetine. I feel much calmer but peculiar. I have blurred vision and it seems as something strange is sitting in my body. I spend my time embroidering, listening to music and sitting at my computer. I´m waiting for spring. The winter is a very difficult time in Sweden. But I´ve decided to survive the next 6 months no matter what!

blue moon
03-03-14, 11:14
:DYou should move here to North Queensland,we do not have a winter,our summers are hot and humid if you like hot weather.My vision is blurred from com,and reading meds can do that too.

03-03-14, 11:20
I love Australia. When I was younger I wanted to move there.

blue moon
03-03-14, 11:30
You are still young Norden:D You WILL get better everday do you have affermations and breathing exercises,they really helped me.
The world is your oyster and all things are within your reach,so you never too old to move,