View Full Version : so scared of dying and now this

03-03-14, 10:46
I am absolutely in a terrible state
The last month my tummy has been awful I have been full of wind and most it trapped and have felt uncomfortable - this was following an appointment with a liver specialist that my GP made to help stop me worrying about some adenomas that had been seen on an MRI. The MRI was a result of many tests, where last year my IBS flared up and I had a scan for gallstones which showed leisions on my liver - these are now being monitored

Not long after this appointment my IBS or whatever it is flared up again, its has been bad now since just before and after 12/2/2014 and I have floated between me having bowel/colon cancer or ovarian cancer thanks to all the adverts on bus stops about persistent bloating

now the last week, I have started to feel nausea, which I believe is a red flag of colon cancer - I feel like i cant cope anymore and I am convinced I have bowl cancer and now that the diagnosis has gone on so long I am going to die

would the MRI i had have shown up if I had bowel or colon cancer or will I have to now have more tests to see if I have that? I think the things on my liver is the cancer that has spread

03-03-14, 11:50

I have replied on the other identical thread that you posted.
