View Full Version : Marijuana as medication for anxiety

03-03-14, 15:27
I'm a smoker. I'm an on and off smoker. But recently my anxiety has gotten very very bad, and I hadn't smoked marijuana for some months.

Last weekend I thought I'd give it a try. I was in such a state of panic that I thought there was nothing else that could go wrong. So I smoked a joint.

I had no negative effects. But I did have some experiences that have since taught me to deal with anxiety.

When smoking weed it can go one of two ways depending on the mind set. You can think negative, or positive. This is the same as every day life, we can either think negative or positive.

Negativity is what brings on the anxiety in every normal day life. Because we often struggle to think positive, and struggle to ignore the horrible thoughts that cause anxiety.

Now, back to the marijuana. When I think negative whilst high, I can easily control it and think positive. I enjoy the relaxation from smoking it, that's why I do it. But I've recently learnt that because I am able to control the negative thoughts whilst high, I am now able to control the negative thoughts in real life.

And as a result of this I've had 2 days completely free of anxiety! This is a result in my books because I've never had this before.

I quit drinking last week, and started to take my 20mg of Citalopram. It's far to early for those to kick in. Prior to smoking weed I was still having bad panic attacks up until last Friday.

So, my thoughts, for me personally, is that marijuana is actually really helping my situation right now! For the first time in years I feel in control of my thoughts and in control of myself.

I only smoke at night times though, don't smoke in the day.

03-03-14, 16:05
If you have a panic attack on weed, it will be on a scale you thought wouldn't be possible. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, but it'll happen. It's got nothing to do with state of mind, and you won't see it or feel it coming.

Using weed as a medication for anxiety is probably the worst thing you can do.

In my experience.

03-03-14, 16:13
If you have a panic attack on weed, it will be on a scale you thought wouldn't be possible. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, but it'll happen. It's got nothing to do with state of mind, and you won't see it or feel it coming.

Using weed as a medication for anxiety is probably the worst thing you can do.

In my experience.

I've had a panic attack smoking weed in the past. I've felt them, but they only come about when the mind isn't capable of controlling itself. I've not had one since I was 20 when smoking weed and I'm now 29.

03-03-14, 16:21
Citalopram does kick in that fast

03-03-14, 16:29
I've had a panic attack smoking weed in the past. I've felt them, but they only come about when the mind isn't capable of controlling itself. I've not had one since I was 20 when smoking weed and I'm now 29.

Pretty much the same as me.

Then I had a bad one.

190bpm, ambulance, hysterical, lost 30lbs, never left the flat for 3 months.

5 mintues earlier I was on the sofa happy as anything watching mock the week.

Just read up on it. Weed is a renowned trigger for long term anxiety problems. Whether you feel ok right now or not isn't really the point.

03-03-14, 16:41
Pretty much the same as me.

Then I had a bad one.

190bpm, ambulance, hysterical, lost 30lbs, never left the flat for 3 months.

5 mintues earlier I was on the sofa happy as anything watching mock the week.

Just read up on it. Weed is a renowned trigger for long term anxiety problems. Whether you feel ok right now or not isn't really the point.

I'm going to have to disagree. There are articles and studies online that say the complete opposite. That marijuana can be used to control anxiety and depression.

You have to remember also a lot of stuff that was written pre-legalisation of marijuana in the US (and is still written in the UK) was written to scare people off from smoking it. Nobody never really knew what it's effects were and when someone would go into a doctors office saying "I have anxiety, and I smoke weed" the doctor would link the two without even thinking about it. But now they've realized cannabis isn't as harmful as these so called government studies, it's being made legal, and people are realizing the positive effects it actually has.

Ultimately it comes down to ones personal experience and what works for one doesn't always work for others. The same as can be said for other medicines used to treat anxiety.

Today, I've just went to supermarket, on my own, and done some shopping. That is something I haven't done since around March last year. I got negative thoughts, I pushed them straight out of my mind. I didn't even get close to a panic attack. Tomorrow I have to get on a bus, something I've not done for years, and yet the thought of that doesn't even stir up any anxiety or emotions like it usually would.

It's early days, but I feel on point and feel somewhat back to my normal self.

Anxiety is all in the mind. And a negative experience with mind altering drugs is also all in the mind.

I just feel happy that I'm making progress in leaps and bounds right now.

Forgot to add, I had an awful experience on fluxotine where I had to call an ambulance, chest pains, pulse of 160bpm, one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had. Doctor promptly changed my meds at the time.

03-03-14, 17:00
Here's the thing. This apparently works for you. But by posting this, you're going to get those that disagree. Personally, I feel it would be detrimental to those with anxiety issues as well as the fact that, with few exceptions, being illegal. Smoking in general, tobacco or otherwise is not good as is alcohol use for someone suffering with anxiety issues.

If in fact, medical MJ was beneficial for anxiety and depression, more psychological professionals would be prescribing it or speaking out.

I'm glad it's working for you but I would follow the advice of a medical/psychological professional concerning the treatment of anxiety issues.

Positive thoughts

03-03-14, 17:14
There are many anxiety tips about that can help everyone with no risk of harm. Telling someone to have a go with weed as a really bad idea for those that have a sensitivity to it. My brother had very alarming effects from it so I don't touch it.
And it's a bit illegal...

03-03-14, 17:43
Without weed I don't think I'd be alive - At my worst points it has helped me enormously and when my brain wouldn't shut up I'd get hammered and things suddenly seemed a bit better. It also helped me sleep which was a Godsend - my Doctor refused me any tablets in case I became hooked so where else was I to turn? My friend was a drugs counsellor and he was taught that the majority of the people who uses drugs do so because it helps them sleep. It's nice to escape life, thats why we drink too.

Unfortunately weed has many negatives - The major problem with weed is you cannot think straight when smoking it. Weed might help lessen the effects of your anxiety but if you want to get to the root cause(s) then you HAVE to give it up! Secondly weed (all drugs) take as well as give - If you overdo them then they will affect the functioning of your brain. This might not worry you now but in 15/20 years your brain will slow down and you lose the sharpness you once had - the more drugs you do the more functionality you lose.

Professionals claiming that they know about weed makes me laugh - I've talked with a professional and he's started off on his anti-weed spiel hoping his expertise would influence me to give up. My first question to him was "Are your studies focused on skunk, green or resin?" He had no idea what I was talking about. Expert my arse!

My advice to children about weed is that it should be considered in the same group as alcohol. I would only recommend having a drink one night a week - sometimes you might have a busy week and two nights is acceptable but always remember to go back to one. If you start doing these drugs more than once a week then you must ask yourself why? I tell them to remember that if they become addicted to a drug then they will have to give it up and they will never be allowed to touch it again for the rest of their lives, so be smart and only use occasionally.

(since I'm on the subject, here's what I say about other drugs: Ecstasy - once every 6 months max. Cocaine - once a year max. Speed - once every 10 years max. Heroin and crack - under no circumstances touch these unless you are dying and want to see their effects). If its a powder then it will be cut - remember they are made on the black market so hygiene standards will be minimal and the mixing agent could be more harmful than the drug itself. Remember children to always tell your friends what you are taking and if an ambulance is needed then ring it straight away and tell them truthfully what has been taken. If you are going to act like a grown-up then behave like a grown-up.

Weed has hundreds of thousands of uses, for it to be illegal is a disgrace. Luckily drugs are easy to acquire so the law doesn't really affect your freedom to choose.

03-03-14, 17:43
I met quite a few ganja smokers in hospital,every one was in a mess

03-03-14, 17:59
It all depends on a person, I guess.

I used to smoke a lot in the past - multiple times daily for quite a few years. In hindsight, I can easily confirm that smoking that much in such a critical age (teenage years, from 15 years old - 22), contributed much to my anxiety issues. I also know a few people that smoked a lot, had some underlying issues, and landed in a mental institution for a time with some serious consequences.

Overall, if a person is prone to mental issues, especially anxiety, it's a very high probability, that smoking (or using other methods, like eating food with THC) marijuana will amplify your trouble. There are exceptions, of course, always have been, but the general rule of thumb is, that psychoactive substances make the situation worse for people like us. That being said, on the other hand, there are a lot of "normal", active, successful and healthy people smoking marijuana daily. It's never black&white.

03-03-14, 18:01
In my opinion its a no to weed ,drinking an smoking ,anxiety dont mix with it ,personally speaking it doesnt supprise me you had bad panic attacks you need to keep taking medication off your doctor not your dealer

03-03-14, 18:04
One of my friends is a nurse in the local hospital where people are sectioned. Three quarters of the patients are in from weed smoking.

03-03-14, 18:29
The biggest difference between weed and alcohol is that alcohol is mostly linear. Drink a bit, get a bit drunk. Drink a lot, get a lot drunk. Wait for the hangover to finish, all is good again.

Comparing the effects of the two is utterly laughable.

Weed is non linear and unpredictable. I myself had enjoyed it a LOT on and off for 20 years before it went wrong. And I have to reiterate that when it goes wrong it is life changing. Just because it hasn't happened to you yet doesn't mean it's the panacea to save your mental state.

03-03-14, 19:23
I was an inpatient in a psych unit last March ALL the young people (in their 20's) were there from cannabis use.... fact!

My Consultant clinical psychologist who treated me for 7 years and had been a psychologist for 45yrs told me that in the last 10 years 99% of admissions into Psychiatric Units of young people was due to cannabis use...... Skunk has ruined countless lives of young people.

If I am brutally honest I think it is terrible that you are even posting this on an anxiety website which might encourage people to use cannabis as a solution to their anxiety.


03-03-14, 19:41
I was an inpatient in a psych unit last March ALL the young people (in their 20's) were there from cannabis use.... fact!

My Consultant clinical psychologist who treated me for 7 years and had been a psychologist for 45yrs told me that in the last 10 years 99% of admissions into Psychiatric Units of young people was due to cannabis use...... Skunk has ruined countless lives of young people.

If I am brutally honest I think it is terrible that you are even posting this on an anxiety website which might encourage people to use cannabis as a solution to their anxiety.

I couldn't agree more

03-03-14, 19:58
I would never ever condole the use of cannabis. I personally think its dangerous to use, especially for PA sufferers.

We need to keep balanced about this though!

1 - everybody is different emotionally , physically & mentally. So some individuals may tolerate cannabis better than others. Goes without saying really!

2 - desperation. What I can understand is that, some people really feel trapped/isolated/desperate for escapism from this dreadful affliction.

Whatever makes people recover, I suppose. Who am I to judge.

03-03-14, 20:05
If you start smoking weed and then blame reading a website for it, I'd say you were a liar. Yes this is an anxiety website and some people with anxiety use weed. If you can't handle reading about it then I'd strongly suggest you don't open the thread - otherwise let other people exercise their freedoms please!

Skunk is a different beast to the weed I was brought up on - It is much stronger and has a major drawback. All weed contains THC which has an psychotomimetic effect on the person using it (It can cause schizophrenia or psychosis). Normal weed naturally contains the antidote to the THC and thats why it is relatively harmless. Skunk is made by removing this antidote and that is why there has been a massive increase in people suffering from mental health issues after smoking it for a while. These figures are going to rise and rise and rise - why? because gangsters control the market - The only solution is to legalise all drugs (I'm against this though because legalisation will just increase prices). Knowledge is more powerful!

As for comparing weed to alcohol - yes this is laughable - alcohol is 1000 times worse and people who condemn pot smokers whilst enjoying a pint are hypocrites of the highest order.

People will take drugs whether you like it or not.
People will take drugs whether they are legal or not.
People will take drugs without knowing the ingredients.
People will take drugs even with the threat of prison.
People will take drugs even if they could die as a result.
People will take drugs whatever social background they come from.
People will take drugs whatever you write.

Whilst drugs are unregulated the dangers will always be heightened. If you can't keep drugs out of a prison then how can you keep it out of a country?

03-03-14, 20:16
Yes this is an anxiety website and some people with anxiety use weed. If you can't handle reading about it then I'd strongly suggest you don't open the thread - otherwise let other people exercise their freedoms please!

...and I have the freedom to exercise my opinion!!!!!

In fact.... there are very young teenagers who come on this site. If they saw this thread what would they think!!!

03-03-14, 20:33
Everyone I know who smokes weed has addiction and mental problems. I have never liked it as it makes me anxious. But I've had bad side effects from prescription medication too. My personal take is that if you need to escape you're not addressing the root cause of your problems. The best drug I've ever experienced is meditation. Give you clarity of mind, reduces anxiety and helps you address the real problems. And you don't get a hangover or come down. On a side note, I think wheat is probably worse than weed when it comes to psychiatric issues http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolutionary-psychiatry/201108/wheat-and-serious-mental-illness

03-03-14, 20:35
Very young teenagers on the site is a whole other ball game. Begs the question why are they on here and not talking to parents. Real life is not perfect, neither are people. Some drink, some smoke, some will have mental problems, some won't.
A lot of hypocrisy surrounds alcohol, drugs etc. My husband was killed by a legal substance ie alcohol, yet an illegal one, weed, kept him pain free and sane in his final weeks.

03-03-14, 20:46
Can I just say that SMOKING DRUGS IS ILLEGAL and YES it can cause Anxiety and Panic attacks and is also a MAJOR cause of depersonalisation and derealisation.

We do not condone drug use on NMP whatsoever, but people are still going to take drugs it is a sad fact of life now..... but personally I am worried that you have posted a thread recommending an illegal substance on here for a 'medicine' for anxiety.

Agreeing with Sarah too...... we have people that come on here as young as 13, who are young and impressionable, they don't really want to see that thing when they log in.

Yep it may work for some OR it may cause Major panic disorder, I guess you make your own choices.

03-03-14, 20:49
Yes it is true they should be talking to their parents and I have asked the same question about age limits on this site.... I always advise young people to speak to an adult....... However for the moment 13 yr olds are able to view the site and are clearly vulnerable if they are coming here for advice.

I stand by my earlier comments re the dangers of cannabis use.


Venus you posted at the same time as me.........thank you for setting the record straight from admin

03-03-14, 20:55
We have many members on here who are teenagers and are on here in conjunction with their parents, we have those who have no parents to talk too, or those who simply can not talk to their parents about such things..... just like some of us do not want to share our problems with those around us, however close they are

yep agreed they should talk to their parents about things, but where can they turn when they can't?....... I would sooner them talk to someone about their problems then no one at all !

03-03-14, 21:02
Point taken, what a very sad state of affairs when a child can't speak to a parent about something as potentially life changing as mental illness.

03-03-14, 21:04
Yes your going to take drugs
Yes your going to get high
Yes your not arsed what people think
Yes your going to heighten your anxiety
Yes your going to feel unwell
and yes its up to you carry on doing what you do till it all goes bang

I had a good friend who took his own life and it all started because of weed good luck to you

03-03-14, 21:09
Point taken, what a very sad state of affairs when a child can't speak to a parent about something as potentially life changing as mental illness.

Very sad, especially when the parent is sometimes the cause!

03-03-14, 21:19
I agree. Both my parents had anxiety issues so totally understood when I had my troubles, I was lucky in that respect. My own children have always been able to talk to me about anything, and I really feel sorry for youngsters who have no one to turn to.

03-03-14, 21:34
If you find this thread that upsetting why are you still reading it? Personally I couldn't care less if it upsets you - Imageek has asked a question relating to his anxiety and if I can help him then I will. To say that young children read this site is laughable - Have you seen what's available on the Internet? At least here they might get some honesty instead of condemnation (well I guess some people can't help themselves).

Honest answers mean admitting that drugs can be beneficial if used correctly
Honesty means admitting that talking about them saves lives
Honesty means admitting that not talking about drugs endangers children
Honesty means admitting that drugs are very pleasurable to use
Honesty means admitting that Drug laws have failed completely
Honesty means admitting that drugs could be made much safer if we legalised them
Honesty means admitting that less people would die if drugs were legalised

I refuse to put the children in my family in danger - I tell them everything they need to know about drugs and how to test them to see if they are safe. They will do whatever they are going to do - just like me and my friends. We were brought up to say no but I decided to say yes and to be honest I don't regret a single thing. As my earlier post said - weed probably saved my life. If that upsets you should I lie?

Is it not hypocritical that we don't ban pubs, ciggies, prescription medicines and refined sugar - all of which kill millions - or should we let people decide what they do with their own bodies and stop interfering in something that is none of your business?

03-03-14, 21:39
NMP seems to be having it's season of controversial topics at the moment. This seems to happen every good year or so.

03-03-14, 21:46
Gypcyg people are not interferring they are giving their opinions ,have you a problem with people having their opinion and as for they dont ban pubs ,cigarettes,prescription drugs and refined sugar what does that tell you about drugs they must be worse than them or are you so sure you know everything about weed read up what it can do to you long term abused this is a subject unfortunatley I no only to well because of my friend

03-03-14, 21:49
Its not upsetting me in the slightest. I enjoy a good debate, I can't type quick enough though lol.
I've done drugs in my time, who knows if they contributed to my anxiety, I don't think they did. I still smoke tobacco but don't drink alcohol any more or take any drugs, prescription or otherwise.
I also don't judge anyone, each to their own.

03-03-14, 21:51
Its not upsetting me in the slightest. I enjoy a good debate, I can't type quick enough though lol.
I've done drugs in my time, who knows if they contributed to my anxiety, I don't think they did. I still smoke tobacco but don't drink alcohol any more or take any drugs, prescription or otherwise.
I also don't judge anyone, each to their own.

We are not judging we are giving opinions if you dont like that to bad

03-03-14, 21:52
NMP seems to be having it's season of controversial topics at the moment. This seems to happen every good year or so.

03-03-14, 21:54
I can't keep up bless me :D

Catherine S
03-03-14, 22:23
Nicola you beat me to it, I was about to post a happy face to Pancho too :D These debates are quite refreshing really if you're that way inclined....kind of clears the air so to speak...although clearing the forum is another thing entirely! And I have to say again that you must have a hell of a job keeping the forum trouble free which is obviously no mean task but you still seem to keep your sense of humour. Hats off and all that.


03-03-14, 22:33
Thank goodness Nicola keeps us sane!!!!

So now we have a debate about the ILLEGAL use of cannabis as a "medication for anxiety" and earlier a thread about the ILLEGAL buying of Diazepam on the internet... what next?...:doh:..is any one seriously going to condone the use of illegal substances....

OR should we set up a subsection for buying drugs!!!:roflmao:

03-03-14, 22:41
Thanks ISB and Sarah - got to laugh sometimes or we would go insane :sign20:

03-03-14, 22:42

03-03-14, 22:44
Stress Ted my interfering comment was aimed in general not to anyone in particular. Yes we all have friends who have done this or that and ended up here and there. And it makes absolutely no difference to me - I choose what I want to do, when I want to do it - I'm guessing you guys are all the same.

Why do people demand empathy about their lives and friends?

"Drugs are bad - my friend died cos of them"
"Drugs are bad - people are hospitalised because of them"
"Drugs are bad - people go mental on them"

Am I inhuman because frankly I couldn't give a sh1t? You'll say "What if it was someone close to you?" Then I'd blame them and the drug laws. Adults have responsibility to look after themselves. If they end up dead or in hospital or in prison through mis-using drugs then (dare I say it on such a right-on website) it is their own fault! Their own fault, say it again everyone - it is their own fault - feels good doesn't it.

Ah "but who will look out for the children? We must protect the children"

Then change the law. Would children have access to drugs if they were legal? Would drugs be cut with battery acid if they were legal? Would more money be available for treatments if drugs were taxed?

There is a book called Freakanomics - People on here should read it to see how well meaning laws and rules have had the opposite effect than what was intended.

I won't post again on this thread - I think everyone can guess my views now. What I will say is to try to have a debate closed on the most spurious grounds is something I couldn't ignore - but hopefully no hard feelings (it's nowt personal).

After legalising drugs we can then legalise prostitution (I'm on a roll).

03-03-14, 23:00
Well yeah if they legalise prosititution you might get a woman quoting you gypcyg lol nowt personal and im not looking for sympathy because my friend died i find that comment offensive,and yeah you can do what the hell you like good look to you your going to need it with your attitude

Catherine S
03-03-14, 23:05
gypcyd...Well, the nature of a debate is that people who take part in it have different views, but you seem to be against people who are against your point of view. What did you really think would happen with a thread title like this? The touchpaper was lit by the person who posted the thread...but only for as long as it took to reel in the people against it as would be predicted?

Point one: advising young, despairing, impressionable young people that pot...and yes, i'm an old hippy chick who can still call it that...should be considered the same as alcohol and only to be taken one night a week? Seriously? What do you think they're going to do..have a cocktail party friday nights only while taking a few puffs on a joint?

Point two: There isn't a point two.

03-03-14, 23:10
This was actually a rather long thread on one of the cancer forums I participate in. Medical MJ has been proven to be beneficial to cancer patients in alleviating the pain and discomfort of the disease, treatment and side effects. It's legal in several states here in the US and moving toward legal recreational use as well. I happen to agree with this as I believe it's less harmful than drinking and already proving to be a huge source of tax revenue for the states that have legalized it.

That being said, all the research I've done has shown that MJ use for people suffering from anxiety can be detrimental. The same goes for alcohol use. How many threads have you seen where someone is suffering from symptoms after a night of drinking? One more thing in general is tobacco use. That's definitely proven to be dangerous to your health regardless of anxiety. AND... it makes absolutely no sense to smoke if you have health anxiety. I see posts from people who have cancer fears yet smoke.... that just boggles my mind.

Positive thoughts

04-03-14, 01:07
yay we got "I find that comment offensive" quote.

It's true though - What people choose to do with their bodies is up to them - not you, get over it!

Hippy chick (Do you know what the Hippy ethos is?) I would advise them not to mix drugs. Some people like alcohol, some people like weed - Be informed and try to minimise the risks. Apart from that advice - Enjoy yourself.

I don't mind people having an opposing viewpoint but let's debate rationally not emotionally. I wonder if the people arguing will accept me standing over them telling them what they can and can't put in their body?

Millions of people in this country take drugs every week and have a cracking time - Drugs, used responsibly, are fantastic - there is nothing on earth to match them. Let's be honest, the best times in many people's lives have been on drugs (certainly mine), oops sorry - I mean "don't do it kids - me mate had a bad experience once so let that be a lesson to you".

My mum won't touch weed even though I'm certain it would cure her aches and pains (actually more serious than that) but because drugs have been stigmatised she spends her days and nights in pain rather than eat a hash cake. Shame on you all for making my mum suffer with your holier than thou attitude.

04-03-14, 01:10
Blimey you are in a bad mood aren't you lol

04-03-14, 14:25
People are wired differently. You dont need to have ABUSED weed or MIXED IT. It didnt need to have been CUT with something nasty, you werent at fault because you didnt do it RESPONSIBLY, the truth is simply by smoking it some people develop mental illness. People are carrying around these mental illnesses in their genes. It just takes something to activate the gene, to trigger the mental illness.

Weed is a deeply introspective drug that makes people very sensitive and aware. Its in states like that when peoples perspectives change and they become much more aware of themselves, their flaws, the thoughts theyre having, who they are. And some people just cant handle it. Everybodies different !

The suggestion that as long as its done responsibly, its not mixed or cut or abused then youll have a "cracking time" is just not true.

I smoked pot for years. Ive also done plenty of speed, LSD. I started early because it was all over my school and it was over ten years before i packed it all in. Im FAR from anti drugs. But my experieces have taught me its not for everyone. Different people, different personalities react badly to weed.
Ive come across too many individuals who just changed after smoking pot. Theyve developed anxiety, depression and its scared them. They dont know what has happened and theyll never be the same because once theyve seen life that way its hard to UNsee it.

Dont ban it. Im not anti-weed. But its the RESPONSIBLE thing to do to give anybody reading this thread or any other thread the WHOLE picture and allow them to take the chance if they want to.
You cant give them miss information from a purely pro-weed perspective telling them that as long as you dont mix it, cut it, abuse it, youll have a cracking time.

How can you not care when a teenage girl tries a joint for the first time and experiences a panic attack after which she`s never able to feel her normal self again.

You can become so pro weed that youre simply burying your head in the sand and ignoring facts.

Anyone who honestly believes weed is harmless if done correctly, in order to be sure of your opinion, you owe it to yourself to go around the mental hospitals and discover for yourself if there are many many people in there who had mental illness triggered by smoking weed or not.

Its not just weed either. Ive known a girl who lost it after a single pill in a nightclub and numerous people who changed forever after LSD.

Yes its annoying to hear people saying "oh weeds the devil, ban it"
But its also annoying to hear someone who`s pro weed totally burying their head in the sand and making out weeds only a problem if your abusing, cutting or mixing it. And as long as you dont do those things youll have a cracking time.

As for the pot cookies. Theyre practically legal in L.A and even for pot smokers they are so much stronger they are regularly triggering massive panic attacks where people are having to phone ambulances because they think they`re dying. If i gave one to my mum for pain i think im more likely to see her taken away in an ambulance with a severe panic attack than thanking me and asking me for another.

Im not anti-weed. Its more the individual than the weed. Because you dont know how people will react you have to be a bit responsible.

04-03-14, 15:32
Gypcg yeah you are offensive rude and if people dont agree with your opinion you put them down oh yeah thought you wasnt going to comment on this post again ,you just couldnt help it ,you actually dont want a debate you want us to agree with you ,omg to say the best times you have had is when your off your head on drugs says alot about your life ,and this is my opinion so I also dont care what you think what a sarcastic individual you are and omg your not even a kid how can be easily lead your a joke

04-03-14, 15:49
Gypcyg..........you say you want a reasoned debate then rant in your posts.... its not what you say that I find offensive its HOW you say it!!. However your opinion on the use of mind altering drugs (not medication) to help people with anxiety is quite frankly absurd . I have heard many many people in my life use your arguments and guess what they are all drug users.

Ooosh.....your post was spot on!:D

04-03-14, 15:54
Gypcyg..........you say you want a reasoned debate then rant in your posts.... its not what you say that I find offensive its HOW you say it!!. However your opinion on the use of mind altering drugs (not medication) to help people with anxiety is quite frankly absurd . I have heard many many people in my life use your arguments and guess what they are all drug users.

Ooosh.....your post was spot on!:D

Well said Sarah xx

04-03-14, 19:48
Any drugs , medically prescribed, alternative or otherwise ..... Let's face it they come with risk. Let's be sensible any banned substance MUST for us GAD sufferers surely, pose additional risks!

Reference to cakes and takeaways - even though they taste amazing normally means that in excess, can be detrimental to health!Normally it's the things that make us feel good, that are actually bad! And someone who eats cakes in excess could live to 100 , whilst a 40 year old who has an occasional bun, might be riddled with diabetes! So, that shows another factor to all this, peoples physiology is different! Some may get away with consistantly smoking weed , NO problem, whilst another may smoke once & end up in A&E! THERE are no precise rules to all this!

And YES, personally ( I will be frank about this, mind the pun ) - the message to miners from us grow ups MUST Always Always be - NO TO DRUGS!

I am pro choice but that message to our children must BE clear. They need as much protection as we can provide!

08-03-14, 10:41

Just going to slide this in here *hides*

08-03-14, 12:23
Very neutral report, I can't work out if this is a sign cannabis is detrimental or beneficial for anxiety/stress. I think it's saying that cannabis reduces anxiety but makes it worse in the long run, is that right? I can't get my head round anything scientific.

---------- Post added at 12:23 ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 ----------

I'm going to pick out this part for my above definition: "• While marijuana’s “exogenous” cannabinoids also can reduce anxiety, chronic use of the drug down-regulates the receptors, paradoxically increasing anxiety. This can trigger “a vicious cycle” of increasing marijuana use that in some cases leads to addiction."

08-03-14, 13:07
Or there's this

Professor Murray, a consultant psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital in South London, said there were no experts in psychosis on the committee that advised the Government on cannabis classification. He added: "Since then, there have been at least four studies that show the use of cannabis, particularly in young people, can significantly increase the likelihood of the onset of psychosis."


Or this

"There is good evidence that taking cannabis leads to acute adverse mental effects in a high proportion of regular users. Many of these effects are dose-related, but adverse symptoms may be aggravated by constitutional factors including youthfulness, personality attributes and vulnerability to serious mental illness."



08-03-14, 14:08
So weed helps you relax?

well duh

If you want to use that argument, so does heroin

08-03-14, 15:23
Very neutral report, I can't work out if this is a sign cannabis is detrimental or beneficial for anxiety/stress. I think it's saying that cannabis reduces anxiety but makes it worse in the long run, is that right? I can't get my head round anything scientific.

---------- Post added at 12:23 ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 ----------

I'm going to pick out this part for my above definition: "• While marijuana’s “exogenous” cannabinoids also can reduce anxiety, chronic use of the drug down-regulates the receptors, paradoxically increasing anxiety. This can trigger “a vicious cycle” of increasing marijuana use that in some cases leads to addiction."

That study is essentially saying moderation is key, which is where you wouldn't be able to treat many disorders with it as you would need it more often. There are study's to back up both sides, but to be honest there are far too many variables to even debate this in such a shallow way. You can abuse anything, whether it's a plant or a cheese burger. It does not depend on the substance completely. it's the type of person, Michael Phelps the most decorated Olympian of all time smoked it. Some people try it once and are never the same.

You wouldn't blame a gun for shooting someone would you? the problem lies in the person, an intoxicant CAN cause an underlying issue to pop up. To me, the underlying problem is a social one, mixed in with the 'daily struggle' of our existence. I said daily struggle because people value material things over their insides, so much so that they will take/buy more material things to get away from their problems, you can witness this everywhere.

If the person is responsible enough to keep himself inline and uses it in a productive, logical and beneficial way then allow them to do it, Humans should be aloud to alter there consciousness if they wish in the same way you should have freedom to walk out your door.

If you look as users that become dependent, many of them have had previous problems with other things, especially during childhood. Even more so if they've never been properly attached to a family member as this can be when they will search for other means of attachment. Equally people who don't get enough attention may do it to gain a higher social status.

Anyway it's definitely not black and white!

Sorry! I love psychology! :doh:

08-03-14, 15:26
Well said Luna :)

08-03-14, 17:46
That study is essentially saying moderation is key, which is where you wouldn't be able to treat many disorders with it as you would need it more often. There are study's to back up both sides, but to be honest there are far too many variables to even debate this in such a shallow way. You can abuse anything, whether it's a plant or a cheese burger. It does not depend on the substance completely. it's the type of person, Michael Phelps the most decorated Olympian of all time smoked it. Some people try it once and are never the same.

The main difference (and I say this from personal and anecdotal experience) is that abusing food, cigarettes, alchohol etc is a measurable and in some ways predictable line of decline.

With weed you can be ok on it for months or years, and then just one little slip up and it changes your life forever. The fact that weed can do this cannot possibly be up for debate as it happens again and again.

I say this in response to the original post that it's a medication for anxiety, and my response is that it's a monumentally bad idea.

08-03-14, 18:10
It's a bad idea for a lot of people but not for the original poster, it seems to help them. I'm very anti conventional anxiety meds but that's just my opinion.

08-03-14, 18:21
The main difference (and I say this from personal and anecdotal experience) is that abusing food, cigarettes, alchohol etc is a measurable and in some ways predictable line of decline.

With weed you can be ok on it for months or years, and then just one little slip up and it changes your life forever. The fact that weed can do this cannot possibly be up for debate as it happens again and again.

I say this in response to the original post that it's a medication for anxiety, and my response is that it's a monumentally bad idea.

I agree with what you say about the speed of the change in a person on a psychoactive substance, but again the mind does not need to have a chemical stimulant to be able to do that.

I'd imagine the line of decline mentally is very obvious to outside people (there arent many physical problems attributed to cannabis) I've seen it myself, also looking back on my own experiences I can perhaps see some key points leading up to my anxiety that could of triggered it, whereas at the time it seemed to happen out of the blue on one night. Your right it does happen a lot, as people seek it for the wrong reasons and often get caught up in the culture that it's become.

I'll stick by what I said, if the person is in control of himself, unbiased and aware of the risks, I see no reason why he shouldn't seek to cure small bouts of anxiety with a plant that makes him happy rather than a synthetic soup of chemicals.

08-03-14, 18:36
I see no reason why he shouldn't seek to cure small bouts of anxiety with a plant that makes him happy rather than a synthetic soup of chemicals.

The most obvious reason is that marijuana is not a regulated and carefully manufactured product. It's not dangerous in the way that something like ecstasy or other harder drugs can potentially be, but you have absolutely no idea how much of the active ingredient is in todays spliff.

I used it on and off for 20 years or more, never having a problem. I even used it as recently as 7 years ago when my anxiety first started and it did help me relax. I never abused it, I never smoked too much and I never felt bad on it, that was until that fateful day.

Like you said, it's psychoactive, and it's just not predictable.

08-03-14, 23:35
I have got nothing against weed and I have smoked it myself in the past as have pretty much everyone else I know but for me personally, I found that it made me panic 10 times more. I would feel fine before smoking and then I would panic a wee while after smoking. If I was even the slightest bit panicky before I smoked, I would be in a panic for hours.

Its great it works for some people to help with their anxiety and depression. Its like everything else, will work great for some and not so great for others.

08-03-14, 23:43
There obviously passionate reasons on both sides of the issue. I stand by my belief that as a whole, it's not recommended for anxiety sufferers nor is alcohol or tobacco products. But to each their own and words on a screen will not stop anyone from doing as they please regardless of detrimental effects.

As a cancer patient, I used MJ (oral consumption as smoking for me is a big no no). I also was a user throughout my youth and into my adulthood. I stopped for over 15 years and like I said, used it recently for medicinal purposes.

It's interesting in that the "high" was totally different when used as a treatment for pain and side effects from cancer/treatment. For me is wasn't a high as much as it was blessed relief and an added benefit was the munchies. As I needed to consume calories to prevent myself from wasting away, it gave me the urge to eat which was an added benefit even when eating was pouring Osmolite into a feeding tube. It worked better than the narcotics I was on for pain relief and the other nasty side effects from treatment like nausea, neuropathy etc.

Now? I hope it becomes legal and regulated nationwide as it is in several states already. For me personally, not suffering from anxiety, it would be better than taking the pain killers I now take every day and much preferable.

Positive thoughts

09-03-14, 01:05
There obviously passionate reasons on both sides of the issue. I stand by my belief that as a whole, it's not recommended for anxiety sufferers nor is alcohol or tobacco products. But to each their own and words on a screen will not stop anyone from doing as they please regardless of detrimental effects.

As a cancer patient, I used MJ (oral consumption as smoking for me is a big no no). I also was a user throughout my youth and into my adulthood. I stopped for over 15 years and like I said, used it recently for medicinal purposes.

It's interesting in that the "high" was totally different when used as a treatment for pain and side effects from cancer/treatment. For me is wasn't a high as much as it was blessed relief and an added benefit was the munchies. As I needed to consume calories to prevent myself from wasting away, it gave me the urge to eat which was an added benefit even when eating was pouring Osmolite into a feeding tube. It worked better than the narcotics I was on for pain relief and the other nasty side effects from treatment like nausea, neuropathy etc.

Now? I hope it becomes legal and regulated nationwide as it is in several states already. For me personally, not suffering from anxiety, it would be better than taking the pain killers I now take every day and much preferable.

Positive thoughts

Yes, I agree. There are many dangers to this issue but I think there is a lot scare stories from the media to whip things up but do the same people publish the list of side effects that approved medications cause? Ive used 2 medications which both list suicide as a risk but we will only hear from the media machine about the illegal ones.

No doubt, there bad side effects, some immediate, some long term but legalisation will move drugs like MJ into the hands of the pros. This removes the damage from cutting straight away, plus reduce the crime as it is pushed into the black market trade. It wont stop those who want it but at least it will help people like yourself.

Glad you are beating it.

Catherine S
09-03-14, 01:20
Fishmanpa...you obviously have a lot of dedicated followers, who stand by your good advice, but can I ask what brought you to this forum? Since you talk mainly about your recovery from cancer and other physical ailments, i'm curious to know what brought you to a forum for sufferers of anxiety? Is it that you want to try to make people who only have imaginary illnesses think about what its like to have a real condition? Sort of trying to make us see that 'imaginary' illnesses compared to something real like cancer has to put their symptoms into perspective?

09-03-14, 01:49
Fishmanpa...you obviously have a lot of dedicated followers, who stand by your good advice, but can I ask what brought you to this forum? Since you talk mainly about you recovery from cancer and other physical ailments, i'm curious to know what brought you to a forum for sufferers of anxiety? Is it that you want to try to make people who only have imaginary illnesses think about hat its really like to have a real condition? Sort of trying to make people with 'imaginary' illnesses put their symptoms into perspective?

It's a valid question ISB. Initially, I came here to learn about anxiety and more specifically, HA. On the cancer forums I frequented, there were posters who obviously suffered from HA. Their posts were not unlike many here who fear oral cancer. I, along with other members would offer advice and reassurance only to see the pattern repeat itself.

I became interested in anxiety disorder (psychological subjects have fascinated me since college) and it brought me here. I stayed around as I thought I could offer a rational point of view on various subjects at a time when rationality was lacking. My experience with oral cancer and heart disease could possibly bring some comfort and reassurance to those panicking they may be suffering from such ailments. That along with some life experience and hopefully a bit of humor along the way.

Most recently, my recovery has exposed my own dragon in the form of "scanxiety". Initially after my treatment, I was so consumed with just getting through each day that I didn't give much thought to the real odds of a recurrence. Now, as I'm recovering and feeling better, the thought of recurrence is more pronounced and come check up time (every three months for the first two years), I get pretty stressed out. This last check up exposed my Dragon to the point that it caused physical symptoms that prompted a visit to the ER for chest pain. With my history of heart issues, they kept me for testing which showed I was fine and indeed, the symptoms were stress/"scanxiety" related. Also, I suffered from some depression after my battle which is not unusual. I actually used the CBT course here to help me with the depression and it's come in handy for the "scanxiety" as well. In some ways this site has helped me with my own demons.

There's no way I could in words or otherwise explain what it's like to go through what I went through with my cancer battle or to put into words how painful a heart attack is. I do know, based on common sense that many symptoms and fears are just that.... fears. Many are anxiety related as medical professionals confirm. And yes, perhaps some of it is a matter of putting it into perspective. To worry about your poo being a little off color pales (no pun intended... maybe a little ~lol~) to cancer.

Finally, if in some way I can help someone here to regain control of their life and live again (to me... living with the kind of worry so many suffer with is not living IMO), then I'm paying it forward.

Positive thoughts

09-03-14, 01:56
Dope is not the answer.It will just give you a false peace,a false sense of security,false hope,false joy..it will just become another crutch.Just another product to mask the real symptoms.When the high wears off you are left with the same problems and difficulties.Face it,its an escape from reality.Reality always comes back to bite you.Thats my 2 cents,I could say more.I speak from experience.I have seen people become paranoid scizos,delusional,violent,lose motivation,lose self esteem,become scared of everything.No the media does not hype it up.Everyone is free to make there own choices..remember the consequences.A few people have been open here and said it triggered anxiety and panic attacks.Us people defend our idols furiously.When will we look to something greater than ourselves for help.peace out..choose life brothers and sisters.

Catherine S
09-03-14, 02:03
Thank you for giving me your insight into your reasons for wanting to join an anxiety form, even though you have your own physical problems to cope with. I would say you provide us with a balance...and a lot of humour!

09-03-14, 02:13
Dope is not the answer.It will just give you a false peace,a false sense of security,false hope,false joy..it will just become another crutch.Just another product to mask the real symptoms.When the high wears off you are left with the same problems and difficulties.Face it,its an escape from reality.Reality always comes back to bite you.Thats my 2 cents,I could say more.I speak from experience.I have seen people become paranoid scizos,delusional,violent,lose motivation,lose self esteem,become scared of everything.No the media does not hype it up.Everyone is free to make there own choices..remember the consequences.A few people have been open here and said it triggered anxiety and panic attacks.Us people defend our idols furiously.When will we look to something greater than ourselves for help.peace out..choose life brothers and sisters.

My comment about the media is in response to a post from a cancer sufferer in remission. I mean as an alternative form of pain relief to be administered br doctors to patients in pain or who are terminal. In these cases you may find morphine used to high levels which has got bad side effects but its "signed off" hence the risks are assessed by the doctor.

I dont think it is useful for anxiety.

09-03-14, 02:23
Fair enough Terry.I know from family member experience morphine can be hectic and under doctor supervision maybe THC is a different story then,but I agree it wont cure anxiety and panic attacks.(I have a family member whose life revolves around dope.Its changed his personality,he cant work,gets extremly fearful..to cut a long story short he cant cope without it..he is also housebound and dependant on others,he has tried to commit suicide 3 times..its heartbreaking for everyone...all we can do is hope one day he will let it go)

09-03-14, 02:31
I hope it comes true for you and yout family Greg. Im lucky my family hasnt been touched by addiction so I have no understanding of the worry it must cause you.

Its not just the substance itself is it?Its the people involved and the people that may gravitate towards you. I experimented when I was younger, only a little, but I saw myself turning into someone I didnt want to be with those people and turned my back on them as I thought of shaming my family at some point which for me was a big deal after bringing me up.

All the best.


09-03-14, 02:56
Thanks for your kind words Terry.I think you nailed it. Here are the lyrics from a Metallica song.I think it sums it up quite well. METALLICA LYRICS "Master Of Puppets" End of passion play, crumbling away I'm your source of self-destruction Veins that pump with fear, sucking dark is clear Leading on your deaths construction Taste me you will see More is all you need Dedicated to How I'm killing you Come crawling faster Obey your Master Your life burns faster Obey your Master Master Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams Blinded by me, you can't see a thing Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream Master Master Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream Master Master Needlework the way, never you betray Life of death becoming clearer Pain monopoly, ritual misery Chop your breakfast on a mirror Taste me you will see More is all you need Dedicated to How I'm killing you Come crawling faster Obey your Master Your life burns faster Obey your Master Master Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams Blinded by me, you can't see a thing Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream Master Master Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream Master Master Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after? Master, Master, you promised only lies Laughter, Laughter, all I hear or see is laughter Laughter, Laughter, laughing at my cries Hell is worth all that, natural habitat Just a rhyme without a reason Neverending maze, drift on numbered days now your life is out of season I will occupy I will help you die I will run through you Now I rule you too Come crawling faster Obey your Master Your life burns faster Obey your Master Master Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams Blinded by me, you can't see a thing Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream Master Master Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream Master Master