View Full Version : Tips for getting rid of really thick mucus

03-03-14, 18:21
I currently have really thick mucus in the back of my throat. It feels really horrible and when I drink I can feel it really badly and it feels like its going to clog my throat (though I know it wont). Im probably dehydrated as I hardly drink and have drunk almost nothing today but everytime I drink it gets worse so I dont like drinking which i think in turn makes it worse! I got in to a bit of a state last night over it as it sometimes feels like i cant breathe properly or thats its clogging my throat though I know that side of it is proably just anxiety. So does anyone have any tips on how to thin it or get rid of it? Thanks :)

03-03-14, 18:23
Warm honey and lemon drinks might help. :)
Drinking will help thin the mucus too.

03-03-14, 18:34
I don't know if they have it where you are but there's an OTC medication called Mucinex that helped me tremendously when I was plagued by thick mucous due to radiation treatment. Also, breathing in steam helps to loosen and break up mucous.

Positive thoughts

03-03-14, 18:54
I have been drinking warm honey and lemon and have found that helps :) but Ive run out of lemons :( No fishmanpa I dont belive its available here :( I haven't tried that steam thing for ages! perhaps I should again

03-03-14, 19:54
Inhale Olbas oil in hot water with a towel over your noggin

03-03-14, 22:42
I second steam inhalation. Can use eucalyptus oil too.

04-03-14, 00:23
Mucinex is guaifenesin, which is also used in a lot of UK cough preparations. Look at the label to be sure, but it's mostly in stuff labeled "chesty cough"--there's a Boots version of it, a Robitussin version, a Lemsip version, etc.