View Full Version : Headaches/ side effects or not?

03-03-14, 19:56
Hi there!

Been on sertraline for 3 weeks. Started on 100mg, then upped to 150mg one week ago. I have had a headache that won't go away and lasts all day. Wondering if anyone else has this, and also have a tight feeling in my throat and feel like I'm clenching my jaw all the time

Obviously have health anxiety and having these feelings makes my mind race so any help would be appreciated!

03-03-14, 20:01
If it feels like you're clenching your jaw the whole time, is it possible that that's exactly what you are doing? Because I reckon that could cause headaches (from the tension) and I think I've read that jaw problems can cause a tight throat feeling as well - though of course a tight throat is v common with anxiety anyway! Have you heard of TMJ?

03-03-14, 20:47
Thanks for the reply!

You could be right. It's like a pressure behind my eyes. Just making me feel ill every day :(

No never heard of that, what is it?

03-03-14, 20:56
Your jaw, basically--a loyal little joint that we dreadfully misuse, especially if we're anxious :). Here's an overview:http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/OralHealth/Topics/TMJ/TMJDisorders.htm

03-03-14, 21:02
I've just started citalopram and just upped my dose. I am clenching my teeth a lot, have weird headaches across my forehead and generally feel a bit yuk. I was prescribed citalopram for HA and, like you, find it really difficult to accept these are side effects. I went to the pharmacist on Saturday as I had even worse anxiety than before I took them. He said this is quite common, especially when you up your dose. Did your doctor give you any diazepam to help in these early days? I suffered from TMJ last year. Basically it's normally your jaw muscles, rather than the joint, that tense up, go into spasm etc and you end up with knots and scar tissue in the muscles. It can also cause headaches and a pain in your throat and lots of other things because all the nerves, muscles etc are interconnected. I saw an oesteopath for mine and he was brilliant. I've got it back now but I'm not worried as I know it will go once the pills kick in because it's all related to anxiety. It is absolutely nothing to worry about ....just another symptom of stress and anxiety! It may even be a side effect of the pills as I am definitely clenching my teeth a lot more since I started on the tablets 3 weeks or so ago. Hope they work and we can feel more relaxed! Take care x

03-03-14, 21:24
Althea, I checked it out and makes sense. Thank you for your advice :)

I have been given diazapam last week, only 2mg but I'm only taking them twice a day as I don't want to be relying on it.

I hate going to the doctors with these things because I feel embarrassed. I'm either told its just anxiety or I forget to talk about a symptom because they are too busy talking about my medication. My surgery is very busy so sometimes see different doctors, who treat things differently. Just worried that something will slip through the net because all they say is 'anxiety', I don't feel convinced :(