View Full Version : Anxiety that I'm faking my anxiety?

04-03-14, 06:49
I got signed off from work yesterday because its become a huge trigger for me and just going in yesterday morning made me have a panic attack and shake uncontrollably. This morning though, 10 minutes before I have to phone in and let them know, I'm having panicky thoughts that I'm actually making this all up and that I should just cope with it and go in and stop over exaggerating. I took my first citalopram last night after I'd sent an email saying I wasn't sure I'd be coming back into work and that made me feel really relieved for a few hours so I'm wondering if that sudden 'lapse' in anxious thoughts has now triggered me to obsessively think that I'm making things up? Just worried people will judge me and think I should have just pushed through it.

04-03-14, 07:25
Hi Lorenza :) The fact that you're anxious that you could be faking the anxiety, kinda shows that you're anxious and not faking it - if you follow me? :)

I would phone in and give yourself some breathing space x

05-03-14, 00:47
Hi, it is good that you contacted work and let them know. By doing this you've managed to do something you found anxious so well done :D I certainly woudnt have been able to do it :weep:. I have anxiety problems too, I have GAD, OCD, depression. I know how anxiety can make you feel. It can sometimes make you feel like why am I thinking this or theres no hope and fear you'll be like this forever. I certainly feel like that, I was offered a job late last year but coudnt take it due to severe anxiety and thoughts of suicide :weep: My suggestion would be to use the time you have signed off to relax and unwind to empty your mind of certain thoughts. Maybe do something you enjoy like a hobby. I know its easier said than done but people on this site are always here to help and support each other :D :) good luck and best wishes

05-03-14, 01:48
You may be thinking that they will be judging you and building up a negative picture when the fact is that lots of people take a day or so off for far less. Try not to add this pressure to it. Its entirely logical for anxiety to reduce once you deal with one if the things causing it to increase at the time so take it as tbat, a reduction in the stressor factors hence you react less.

Just a thought, if you have just started medication, you may experience more anxiety until you get used to them. Ive been on Citalopram and it did that to me so sed how it goes.

Before I even had all of this, I wohld always feel guilty about takng time off, it just means you are a responsible person.