View Full Version : Right side back & chest rib pain getting me down

04-03-14, 15:25
I started getting this in October. At first only when I drank alcohol, then more often, now most of the time. I was diagnosed with gastritis recently, that made it worse, but it was there before and I don't know what it is and I can't stop worrying about it. It won't go away, and is getting really slowly worse. Today I feel like I can't handle it. (Have been checked for gallstones & had an US scan, bloods and chest xray, all clear) Also my face is tingly on one side (right) over my cheekbone and has been since October too. Feels like a 'tightening' or 'tingly numb' feeling - but it isn't numb as such and I have been checked out many times. It doesn't seem to get worse, though but is just there a lot. It frightens me. I used to have a handle on this, now I feel like I am overwhelmed by these symptoms. I am terrified they are signs of something bad. :(

---------- Post added at 15:25 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

I am still too scared to take the full dose of ranitidine too. I was hoping (unrealistically) that my counsellor could help there. :( I feel such a failure.

04-03-14, 17:16
Claireypoo, it sounds like you've been diagnosed with gastritis and anxiety, and that you're describing symptoms of gastritis and anxiety, which would make sense. I'm not sure where you're going with the idea that the symptoms "were there before"--symptoms generally do occur before you get diagnosed.

Gastritis can take a while to heal, and you've had your anxiety kicked up, which will make it worse. You'll probably heal faster if take the medication you're supposed to, as you know; have you looked into some additional help, like the online CBT course posted here, to nudge you through your medication resistance? I know you were alarmed by possible side effects, but I think that's succumbing to the HA lie that it's safer to do nothing. I think doing something is a lot safer for you than doing nothing, so I hope you can find your way to taking the medication and healing yourself.

04-03-14, 17:50
Hi, thank you for your reply. Yes, I am seeing a CBT therapist (just seen her actually) fourth visit. I have had anxiety since 2005 & pulled myself out of it before, so I don't understand why I can't seem to now. I have read pretty much everything on Health Anxiety and I *do* get it. My trouble is I don't sleep. 12 years now with very, very little rest, my GP says I am showing signs of classic chronic sleep deprivation. The trouble is, I can sleep fine, given the chance, but I am on red alert all the time because my daughter (she is profoundly disabled) has life threatening health conditions and has severe sleep difficulties. It makes thinking straight and rationalising harder. This started back up when my grandma died in October, and around the same time my father upset me (not his fault - he has Picks disease. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I feel in a mess. I know intellectually what to do, but can't seem to accept the way I used to.

The symptoms I didn't make clear, the long term symptoms are pain in my right ribs and right side, the newer symptoms of gastritis are a different kind of boring pain in my right shoulder.

I know I am obsessed about health right now, the intrusive thoughts are flying. I fill in thought records all day, and it just makes me feel worse. It felt so much easier last time, but then I got some sleep then - more than now, anyway.

Sorry. I don't even know if I'm looking for reassurance any more or just something that might click my thinking back on track. I feel really confused. X

04-03-14, 19:37
Oh, claireypoo, no wonder you're having a tough time! Being the parent of a disabled child is incredibly wearing--there's actual medical literature on how hard that experience is--and then you have grief on top of it, and your father suffering from Pick's disease! Do you have any opportunities for respite care, or any way to take a brief break? Is there anybody in your house to provide some additional support?

I don't see any reason why your older symptoms wouldn't be gastritis as well--the shoulder pain sounds more referred and could be a later stage--but it's also common for anxiety and anxiety-related problems to cause pain like that. Certainly you've been looked at enough to rule out anything dangerous.

Mostly I think it sounds like your body is just reacting to a very wearing daily life that doesn't leave you with much in the way of reserves. No matter how much we want to be able to handle everything the world throws at us, we're only human, and you're getting a lot thrown at you. I hope you can find a way to feel better, but maybe it would at least help to look at it as an understandable response to a very difficult situation.

04-03-14, 20:56
Thanks so much. What a lovely reply! :)

I think I need to *know* for sure if the original pain in my right side & rib cage is definitely gastritis (and not something worse) by having an endoscopy, maybe a colonoscopy. I know scans and tests don't help in the long run, but worrying about this is making me ill. I've never suffered from gastritis or heart burn before and it is unusual for me. Even for me with anxiety!

My daughter is being tested for H. Pylori as she has similar symptoms to me at present, if she tests positive her Gastro team want me & my partner tested too. Poor little thing has it so much worse as she has a gastrostomy button in her tummy. She already takes omeprazole, and here's me, her mum, too scared to take the ranitidine.

It is really painful today and getting me down. :(

Claire x

04-03-14, 21:00
Hey Clarireypoo - have you ever looked into candida? Your symptoms sound really similar to what I've experienced and I am now being treated for it. Most doctors don't treat for it unfortunately, but a holistic doctor or naturopath will. I suggest definitely having a look into it. I think I originally got it from my mum when I was born as she has suffered from similar symptoms her whole life. I have found a lot of relief from a change of diet and lifestyle. Happy to pass on more info.

04-03-14, 21:17
Thank you. :) Have you found the treatment beneficial? I didn't realise Candida overgrowth could cause such problems.

04-03-14, 21:42
Yes, I have found it very beneficial. I'm still struggling with it - it's pretty stubborn, but I have a great deal less pain, anxiety and fatigue than I did 6 months ago. Meditation also helps as stress is common trigger for a flare up. When I first learnt about candida I found this website helpful http://www.thecandidadiet.com/candida-symptoms/

05-03-14, 07:04
Thanks, I will look into it. :)