View Full Version : Itchy palms - liver? Panicking!

04-03-14, 12:29
Hi, have been 'lurking' recently as my HA has been a little bit more in control - that is, until I get a new symptom to add to the others, such as now! Sat here at work with the most awful itchy palms. This has happened once before ages ago and didn't do it again. Isn't this liver related? I had a pregnant friend a while ago who had it really bad and it was some liver problem you can get when pregnant and I googled last time and it said it was a sign of liver problems. When I had an ultrasound last year on my abdomen, they said I had a bit of fatty liver so could it have got to the stage where it is now an illness in itself??? Just also read a previous post on this when searching and somebody mentioned it could also be a sign of lymphoma.

My problem is that I can't bring myself to go to the Dr's, unlike some with HA who go as soon as they get a symptom as the fear won't let me. I've not been right since I started this new job after I was made redundant in November.... I was so worn out with worry that I've had chest pain (A&E and an ecg/bloods said heart was fine but then read on here that it's not a decent enough indicator), feeling as if these long days typing are too much now I'm 57 maybe but others manage to do it. Fear of some awful illness lurking in the background that I'm too scared to find out about and fear of tests - if I go to Dr's with chest pains, I'll end up with an angiogram or those horrible heart scans. Now I've got liver fears.... Don't feel particularly stressed out, just constantly worried about my health and feel that at 57 now, everything is going to be something serious or life threatening....:weep:

05-03-14, 12:27
Funnily enough, as soon as I read 'itchy palms' in your title my palms actually became itchy. That's the funny thing with itches, isn't it?

You may find that it is just a circulation thing - there may be more or less circulation than usual to your hands which has given an itchy sensation. You may also just have come into contact with something you are allergic to. Consider whether you have some new products in your house or you've been eating something different recently. My palms do actually itch when I have an allergic reaction to some foods. And, as with the nature of itching, it may just be an itch with no rhyme or reason. I understand your fear in heading to the GP, but they are the only person who can give you absolute reassurance about what the cause is.

On the bright side, there is an old wive's tale that says if your palms are itching then money is coming your way ;) that's a much nicer thought to focus on.

12-03-14, 00:32
I had the pregnancy liver problem. You WILL know if it is a serious itch, trust me. ;) I don't want to go into details to scare you, but it isn't just an itchy palm. I still have HA about liver, cause it took so long for my panels to come down post pregnancy, but you sound ok. :)

Catherine S
12-03-14, 01:03
Itchy palms..right for life, left for love! That's what we used to say when I was a wee girl, long before health anxiety came along. Oh to be back to the days before hormones mucked everything up, how sad that its got so bad for you that an itchy hand means your liver is in trouble. Take it from us...its just an itchy palm, and some say it also means you're about to come into money..which is a much more positive reason I'd say !

Take care