View Full Version : Breast Cancer Awareness Day

04-03-14, 14:30
Hi everyone ive had a really good few days, now its breast cancer awareness day and it has scared me. Every where I look it is all people are talking about. I know its a really good thing to be promoting it and it saves lives but listening to all these stories with bad outcomes have set off my anxiety, these girls weee young and didn't find out till its to late. Makes me feel sick with worry. I check mine and I wouldn't say I have found a lump but if I use my fingers n push hard into my breasts there is lots of lumps and bumps, surly your breast is not just completely soft? Has anyone else done this. When I check them using the flat of my hand it is fine but if u use the tip of your fingers you can feels all kinds of stuff?

04-03-14, 15:24
I've always worked on the basis that wherever you 'prod' on your flesh you feel lumps and bumps and 'gristle'. Not sure you're meant to press really hard when you're checking - they say it can help to do it in the shower as it helps you to move your fingers more smoothly over your breasts, which doesn't sound like you're meant to be prodding deeply! If you do the same on, say, your upper thigh (though maybe that only works if you're, ahem, generously proportioned!), it's not completely smooth/soft, is it? Also it's well known that your boobs are lumpier at certain times of the month - mine are definitely lumpy at the minute. Lots of lumps and bumps are probably fine. As you're examining yourself you would notice if you had one 'lump' that was more prominent or more solid than the others. I know you hear stories about people missing lumps, but I think in a lot of cases that's people who aren't checking, not people who are checking but are dismissing them as 'nothing' if you see what I mean?

04-03-14, 16:21

I did not know it breast cancer awareness day, even though I am male. yes I know males can get breast cancer but it rare, so another worry for me to keep checking

04-03-14, 17:55
The consultant told me use three fingers together and the pads of the fingers not the tips. She also said breasts are like lumpy rice pudding in two bags. It's looking for changes that's important. Hope that helps. :)

04-03-14, 18:10
I have a friend who went through treatment for breast cancer. She's doing fine but as I know well, treatment is hell!

It's important we support the cause, say a prayer for those we've lost and for the warriors still fighting the battle. Save the Tatas as they say :)

And I much prefer not to look at them as "lumpy rice pudding in two bags" ~lol~

Positive thoughts