View Full Version : Chest sensations

04-03-14, 16:28
I've been under a lot if stress this past couple of weeks and have been pretty much a mess.

Today I've felt dizzy and lightheaded and short of breath.

When I was sat just now I had this really warm feeling all in my chest and my heart started beating faster. Was this heart related or just an adrenalin surge? Anyone had something similar?

I'm living in fear of my heart stopping again at the moment and keep getting pains in my chest. Dr never wants to see me and just brushes it off to stress.

I'm worried about the damage to my heart that has been caused by the worry and stress of the past year.

I've spent about a week buzzing all over and feeling very off and tired and I'm worried this is the beginning.

04-03-14, 16:42
Sounds like adrenaline, I had that happen today:)

04-03-14, 17:04
I get that frequently Mummyanxious.

To reassure you why not go to another GP in your practice. I quite often ask my GP to listen to my heart when I am in an appointment. She knows I have HA and willingly listens with a stethoscope to ease my mind.

You give so much advise to others on NMP .S..what would you advise someone else in your situation.

Take care


04-03-14, 17:06
I get that too with adrenaline! Also sometimes with prickly tingly arms and unsteady legs. Not nice, but it passes. x

04-03-14, 17:15
I don't know Sarah I'd probably say it was a panic wave rising but its different when you're in the midst of it isn't it.
I've had so many chest pains lately. I had an awful squeezing sensation the other day when I got angry and that shook me up and I've not felt right since. Uneasy.
I really feel like I need some proper reassurance my heart isn't damaged after all this stress. My last echo was 2010 so I feel its overdue. I know its reassurance seeking but I need something to move on.

Female healthanxiety
04-03-14, 17:17
Hello mummy anxious,

I so know how you feel. If you've seen my last 2 recent posts, I've just gone through a bout of heart panics and undergone the tests. To which were fine. I now have a urine infection and am on Nitrofurantoin, which is now making me feel sick.

I am sure I remember in your previous posts that you have had all the standard heart tests?

I am sorry your going through a stressful time at the moment; that certainly makes HA seem a lot worse. Try writing down a list if your problems, and ideally put down how you want these problems resolved or at least improved. Sometimes putting this fins on paper relieves your symptoms a lot.

Dizziness I can relate to, as well as the tiredness and shortness of breathe, to name a few! You sound like you need a good sleep, it's all adrenalin and with a tired mind already, the adrenalin feeds of this even more.

The warm feeling in your chest is completely normal hun, I actually have this now. Won't harm you and your body's natural instinct with anything to do with your heart will automatically release adrenalin hence your faster heartbeat.

I saw a Cardiologist last week and I have the same worries. Anxiety will not kill you. He said adrenalin does no harm to your body.

I hope you have a better evening and try and have a nice hot bath, listen to your favourite music and light a few candles. Xxx

04-03-14, 17:26
It's ok to seek reassurance sometimes with your GP...... it's just when its going to see them every week with a new symptom that gets a bit much. Go see him/her:D

04-03-14, 18:02
I've got an app on Friday for my pelvic pain so I will mention it then. It's with someone I've not seen before though :(

---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 18:01 ----------

And thank you FHA, your reply was really nice to hear what your cardiologist said.