View Full Version : wife's thyroid nodules

04-03-14, 17:51
she has had them for at least 5 years and our family dr and and endocrinologist have been watching them.

some have been getting bigger. according to what i read, that's ok, they do that.

thyroid cancer is rare. thyroid nodules are common.

2-3 years ago she had a fine needle aspiration. my HA went absolutely crazy. the results were negative. she was fine.

the dr.'s kept watching them.

one has grown 1 or 2 millimeters. she is trying to decide if waiting and watching is ok or if she should have another test.

she's saying she'll have another test if it will make me feel better.

my HA is trying to go off the charts. i'm fighting it. hard. control is a moment to moment thing.

i'm doing the coping strategies the therapists have given me.

regardless what we do - i've been here before. i know the waiting will increase my HA.

04-03-14, 19:02
I know it's tough for you--it's hard to worry about people you love. Are the doctors recommending another aspiration? That doesn't seem like a lot of growth, and presumably they're already on top of her thyroid levels.

What concerns me is a situation where your HA might lead your wife to an unnecessary medical intervention, as I don't think that's good for either of you. What do you think?

04-03-14, 19:20
I know it's tough for you--it's hard to worry about people you love. Are the doctors recommending another aspiration? That doesn't seem like a lot of growth, and presumably they're already on top of her thyroid levels.

we're meeting with her endocrinologist this afternoon. i figure there's a 50-50 chance of being told to wait or have another aspiration.

Either way, my HA will go nuts.

What concerns me is a situation where your HA might lead your wife to an unnecessary medical intervention, as I don't think that's good for either of you. What do you think?

That is always a risk and its one I'm very aware of. If it was ME I'd have them do the aspiration. I cannot make my wife do that - I understand asking her to do so would be unreasonable and because of my HA.

So, I'm going with her to listen to what her dr says and ask some questions. What questions - I don't know.

I just really wanted to talk about this in public because that helps my HA as well.

04-03-14, 19:28
It sounds like you're riding the wave as best as you can, and you know where the trouble spots lie. It's difficult when the best medical care is actually harder on anxiety, but it sounds like you're clear on the difference--a lot of people have difficulty making it that far, so that's a good sign about where you are.

04-03-14, 19:32
It sounds like you're riding the wave as best as you can, and you know where the trouble spots lie. It's difficult when the best medical care is actually harder on anxiety, but it sounds like you're clear on the difference--a lot of people have difficulty making it that far, so that's a good sign about where you are.


its just tiresome - knowing that my HA is going to increase and knowing that there's nothing i can do about it except take it moment by moment.

there are a whole lot of moments in a day.