View Full Version : Dizziness after stopping smoking

04-03-14, 18:41
I have never really posted about my battle to stop smoking but I have not had a cigarette for 2 days (really good for me) I desperately want to stop, I have always used smoking as a 'crutch' for my anxiety but realise it is making my anxiety worse in the long run (especially my HA)
I just want to know , is it normal to feel dizzy after stopping smoking? I feel a bit lightheaded and weird today and am confused if I am suffering with physical or mental symptoms. Thanks x

04-03-14, 19:56
Well done for a start off ,I stopped smoking over two years ago ,I couldnt say if it made me dizzy because my anxiety made me dizzy maybe it could just you have not had a ciggarette that can make you anxious xx

04-03-14, 21:07

I stopped over a year ago and I was exactly the same - really dizzy with a headache for a week or so. It felt exactly the same as when I last stopped taking ADs which makes me suspect it is something to do with the change in chemicals in the brain - apparently smoking acts as a MAOI.

It passed after a week so stick with it - it's worth it.


blue moon
05-03-14, 03:31
Hi alma:D I know how you feel when I tried to stop smoking I got very light headed after a couple of days, so I ßtarted again:mad:

05-03-14, 07:21
Thanks all for your replies, seems like the dizziness is pretty common. I have an electric cigarette which is helping. I do feel more anxious when I stop smoking, I stopped for 3 years a while ago but started again when I got stressed out. Well done Mrs Stressed and Pipkin for quitting! and Petra feeling lightheaded is horrible so I can kind of understand why you started again! Thanks again xx :)

05-03-14, 11:13
im the same for drinking I tried to stop drinking but if I go 48 hours without alcohol I start to get some right weird symptoms and yet I only like a few pints after work nothing major

so yes I think it can bring on some different sypmtons the fact you are looking for reassurance is fueling the traditional anxiety circle aswell im afraid it will just move onto something else

hth kris

05-03-14, 18:44
Thanks for your reply Ohwell123 perhaps I am looking for reassurance but I am curious if the dizziness is a physical symptom of stopping smoking or anxiety because I can't have a cigarette. It's my third day without them today , I still feel lightheaded but slightly calmer.

06-03-14, 13:18
Well done Alma. I am a smoker too. I am trying my best to cut down.
I go dizzy after I have a smoke. I have elight cigarette to help, but
having no joy as yet.:hugs:x

06-03-14, 18:24
CONGRATS! Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself and your anxiety. I was a smoker and ironically quit about the time I noticed something was amiss with the whole cancer thing. Obviously, it was already too late. I used the e cig to get off tobacco and nicotine. The dizziness is common as your body is being deprived of a drug... it's part withdraw from nicotine.

For anyone else suffering anxiety and especially if you have HA, it absolutely makes no sense to worry about your health AND smoke!

So again.. congrats on quitting... best thing you'll ever do!

Positive thoughts

06-03-14, 19:13
Thanks Magic and Fishman, Magic I have one of those Vapour Cigarettes that you fill yourself , I tried the elites but didn't do too well with them. Have you tried the vapour ones? xx
Fishman thanks for your reply, I feel happier to know that dizziness is a withdrawal symptom, I have also read that you can feel worse before you feel better after giving up but I want to do this Thanks all xx

06-03-14, 19:31
Yes Alma,

Withdraw from nicotine is nasty. I was a cigar smoker (quit cigs in 1996) I gave up the cigars in August of '12. There were times that first month or so that I wanted to bite the heads off small children and kittens (joking ~lol~) but I made it through....

Now?.... the smell of a cigarette totally grosses me out. I can smell it a mile away and when someone walks past me that smokes... it stinks something awful! I still like the smell of a good cigar though... There are times I miss it but just a twinge of pain in my neck is enough to quell that!

Positive thoughts

07-03-14, 07:18
Yes Alma,

Withdraw from nicotine is nasty. I was a cigar smoker (quit cigs in 1996) I gave up the cigars in August of '12. There were times that first month or so that I wanted to bite the heads off small children and kittens (joking ~lol~) but I made it through....

Now?.... the smell of a cigarette totally grosses me out. I can smell it a mile away and when someone walks past me that smokes... it stinks something awful! I still like the smell of a good cigar though... There are times I miss it but just a twinge of pain in my neck is enough to quell that!

Positive thoughts

Thanks again Fishman, Well done for quitting, I admire anyone who gives up nicotine it is such an addiction. I was expecting to be irritable from withdrawing but instead feel really emotional (randomly start crying) if I smell a cigarette at the moment I really want one but I am hoping this sensation will fade.

07-03-14, 09:31
We'll done Alma, I'm rooting for you and hope you manage to quit for good. I stopped six/seven years ago I remember getting headaches for the first week. I was only saying yesterday I hardly ever get colds anymore since I stopped smoking and if I do they're only mild. (Touching wood for saying that!!)

Good luck :D

07-03-14, 12:18
Congratulations on quitting smoking, Alma. Fishmanpa is right. Quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. I have been wanting to quit for quite awhile now and I always let my anxiety or some other situation convince myself into saying, "I will do it later". Every time I have tried to quit, dizziness and headaches have always been my constant friends. Don't let it worry you. It's your body adjusting to the change in nicotine.

07-03-14, 18:09
Thanks Bernie and Tanner, I have found it a bit easier today, still bit lightheaded and dizzy but I feel reassured that these are common symptoms. I have got a slight headache Bernie but assumed this could be yet another symptom of quitting.
I have been putting this moment off for months Tanner and also found numerous reasons why I could not possibly quit but I am getting older and I feel that if I don't do it now I will become a lifelong smoker and have all the problems that go with that.
Thanks all xx

07-03-14, 18:32
You're doing so well. Remind yourself before you go to sleep another day as a non smoker.

07-03-14, 18:43
Thanks Bernie :) xx

07-03-14, 19:01
Alma, I have got the cigarette that you fill with juice, but it is not working at the moment. Will try and remedy that this weekend. the throw away cigs work for me the best, but they don't last very long. I have smoked 4 today, so cutting down a little bit. xx

07-03-14, 19:11
Well done Magic :) It's not easy but you will get there. I have the ones you fill with juice as well, I have two so I always have one charged up. Take Care. xxx

07-03-14, 19:37
Hows it going alma ,hope your dizzness passes ,I know how hard it is but your doing great xx

07-03-14, 19:44
Thanks Mrs Stressed , it's going ok, I feel like the cravings are getting less ( I hope )
I feel calm about the dizziness as it seems it's pretty common . Thanks for your support xxx

07-03-14, 20:06
Thanks Mrs Stressed , it's going ok, I feel like the cravings are getting less ( I hope )
I feel calm about the dizziness as it seems it's pretty common . Thanks for your support xxx

Your welcome it will get easier every day good luck xx

09-03-14, 19:50
I am updating my thread as I have really struggled over the weekend, I am assuming it is because I have been off work and have not had as much distraction. I have not had a cigarette which I am glad about but the cravings have been a nightmare (especially in the morning) I have looked on some quit smoking sites and it said that sometimes the second week can be the worst :ohmy:.

09-03-14, 19:59
Aww your doing so well it was the third week for me I could of killed for a cig ,but it passed keep going you can do it ,its the best thing I ever done xx

09-03-14, 20:02
Thanks Mrs Stressed, I have been around smokers this weekend and managed not to have one so I am pleased about that. Did you feel better after quitting straight away or did it take a bit of time? xx

09-03-14, 20:11
Within a couple of months I was feeling better ,I could breath again it was hard at times ,as im sure you know but so worth it and you have done really well to be around other smokers so soon good luck to you x

09-03-14, 20:20
Thank you xx

09-03-14, 21:15
Well done Alma, keep going. I wish I had your willpower xxx

10-03-14, 17:37
This is my second day of quitting the dizzy spells are scaring the hell out of me which is silly cuts I have been struggling with high anxiety and bad dizzy spells before I decided to quit but when I was having a dizzy spell I would have a fag to calm me down but I no once I get pass day three I won't smoke as I fear nicotine rush an home to lo g so there be no turning back just need to find sum tuning to help with the dizzy spells x

10-03-14, 18:32
Thanks Zingy :) xx I have sent you a PM trish, I was stuck in the feel dizzy have a cigarette thing as well so know how you feel, I hope we can support each other to quit on here. xx

10-03-14, 19:04
Hi alma trish just to let you no im with you all the way ,you can do it ladies :D

10-03-14, 19:16
Hi alma trish just to let you no im with you all the way ,you can do it ladies :D

Thanks so much :) x , I keep coming back to this thread to help me stay strong!! xx

11-03-14, 22:05
Hope your doing okay alma hope your dizziness has gone ,keep at it x

12-03-14, 09:09
:hi as any one had any side effects from there quitting. This is my third day I could not sleep last night and had heart burn felt sick mind racing it all made me anxious I just decided out the blue to stop smoking on Sunday lunch time and not smoked since I did smokevalotbas well got a we CIG from shop yesterday any way just wanted to no if any one had side effects at all please share thanks xx

12-03-14, 10:56
I am smoking at the moment, trying to come off them.
I stopped smoking for ten years, had no side effects.
I have a cig that contains juice but it has broken.
My HA is at it worst, so I cannot see me stopping all together yet
at the moment. I have had some leaflets from our local chemist.
I am going to ask for there help.
Good luck Trish. maybe the heart burn was from certain foods.
Oh, by the way I had a throw away cig. they helped me the most
but they don't last very long x

12-03-14, 12:06
No they don't magic I hate the dizzy spells which I was getting with my health anxiety being through the roof before I decided to stop smoking in face like I said in other post I ave suffered for over forty yrs and never ended up in a&e. Till four weeks ago I was having such a bad time started panicking and the panic just would not stop it lasted for hours and I mean hours not sure wants going on with me like I s#y suffered all these yes but this bout as. Been building up over past three yes and I feel I never guns come out of it. So threw a bit more stress at my self and quit smoking lol x

13-03-14, 06:33
:hi as any one had any side effects from there quitting. This is my third day I could not sleep last night and had heart burn felt sick mind racing it all made me anxious I just decided out the blue to stop smoking on Sunday lunch time and not smoked since I did smokevalotbas well got a we CIG from shop yesterday any way just wanted to no if any one had side effects at all please share thanks xx

Well done Trisha on stopping. I have had dizziness, feeling slightly faint, for me the emotional side effects are worse, emotional, irritable and yesterday a bit depressed. On the plus side, my sinuses are clearer in the morning and I smell better lol! I hope you find the electric cig helps. You are doing really well Trish :) xx

---------- Post added at 06:33 ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 ----------

Thanks again Mrs Stressed, the dizziness is a bit better. xxx

blue moon
14-03-14, 06:24
Sorry to say alma but still smoking,hoping you are doing well:D
Petra x

14-03-14, 22:34
Thanks for yr support alma still not smoking on day six now I find it hard not to be busey constant as sutti g down with a cuppa links to a ciggy and so I am seem to be doing also of jobs I neglected lol x

16-03-14, 20:21
Thanks Petra it's going ok :) x , well done Trish six days is really good!! The weekends are definitely hardest for me, I don't have as much distraction and get serious cravings to smoke. I am keeping busy as well to help me not to think about smoking. Keep going Trish you are doing really well !! xx

16-03-14, 20:30
Thanks Petra it's going ok :) x , well done Trish six days is really good!! The weekends are definitely hardest for me, I don't have as much distraction and get serious cravings to smoke. I am keeping busy as well to help me not to think about smoking. Keep going Trish you are doing really well !! xx

Alma your both doing really well you can do it x

19-03-14, 18:56
Thanks again Mrs Stressed xx I am persevering , I am still suffering severe cravings in the morning and after I eat anything but have not given in yet! I am eating more, and still feel a bit miserable but got to keep going!!

21-03-14, 20:12
I have not smoked but have been to a doctor's appointment today and feel anxious enough to have a cigarette. I have had a lot of mucous since stopping and my GP mentioned a chest X - Ray if my symptoms are no better in 3 weeks , I had 3 clear chest X- Rays in late 2012 . Seems ironic that when I stop smoking this worry now starts. I need to remember how well I have done by quitting.

21-03-14, 20:18
Hang in there, Alma! Quitting was the best possible thing for you to do for your health!
You can stay the course!!!

21-03-14, 20:42
Thanks for your support x

21-03-14, 20:49
Good for you alma and I really hope u can keep up the good work :-)

21-03-14, 21:00
I have not smoked but have been to a doctor's appointment today and feel anxious enough to have a cigarette. I have had a lot of mucous since stopping and my GP mentioned a chest X - Ray if my symptoms are no better in 3 weeks , I had 3 clear chest X- Rays in late 2012 . Seems ironic that when I stop smoking this worry now starts. I need to remember how well I have done by quitting.

My experience was that upon quitting nasal discharge and mucous from my throat and lungs increased. It's your body ridding itself of the toxins and it did stop after a month or so. That being said, listen to your doctor and follow up if it doesn't improve. Congrats on sticking to it!!

Positive thoughts

21-03-14, 21:00
Thanks Magic and Fishman, Magic I have one of those Vapour Cigarettes that you fill yourself , I tried the elites but didn't do too well with them.

I was in a coffee shop the other day & exclaimed to my partner "that persons smoking" (which of course would be illegal here). Luckily enough, I didn't say it so loud that the person heard me... Coz, you've guessed it .... It wasn't a real cigarette at all :lac:!!!!

21-03-14, 21:07
Thanks Fishman for your reply, I have not googled side effects of quitting smoking so I am reassured that this can be normal. I hope all is ok with you x
Thanks Tessar, It's suprising how many people think they are real cigs, in fact I have been in a few places recently where they are banned. x

23-03-14, 20:24
I am still not smoking, I have had an anxious weekend and could of lit up several times! I am not finding it easy and my sinuses are bunged up again which is a pity as I thought they were clearing.

26-03-14, 20:36
Hey alma. How r u doing? Keep up the fight won't you because it'll be worth it in the end. I think that people I have known have had sort of ups and downs physically after giving up the weed. Stick with it.... :-)

26-03-14, 20:39
Hi Tessar , I am doing ok, physically and mentally having weird withdrawal things, it's increasing my HA in some ways. Thank you and hope you are well :hugs: x

26-03-14, 20:41
I'm good thanku, bit knackered from work but at least it's because I am working hard & not bored or anything! No time for boredom. Hopefully your withdrawal with improve soon. I am very impressed with your progress :yesyes:

26-03-14, 20:44
Thanks Tessar, hope you get chance for a rest soon ! xx

26-03-14, 20:46
Oh u know wot it's like, if I had earlier nights it would help but I like to relax in the evening & then make the day last forever..... then I get up in the morning wondering why I went to bed so late yet again!!! I never learn........ :weep::lac:

26-03-14, 20:48
Yep , I'm not much different Tessar, after being at work all day , it's nice to make the evening last isn't it, but 6am in the morning and my alarm comes round all to soon and then I also wished I had gone to bed an hour earlier!!. xx

27-03-14, 22:04
Hi alma just wondering how is it going xx

29-03-14, 00:10
Keep going Alma, I know how quitting smoking feels, I'm on week 3 heading into week 4 soon, still getting pangs of anxiety on occasion and at the moment have had a tight chest, but I'm absolutely focused on the fact that this is best for health, so I'm getting through it, wishing you the best in your endeavour, tell us how it's going!

31-03-14, 19:24
Hi Mrs Stressed and Sabre, well, last Thursday morning I had a weak moment and had a ciggie, I put it down to going to the hospital. I felt sick afterwards and have not had another. Apart from that it's going ok. Well done Sabre, you are doing great , did you notice that you got a cough after quitting? Strange but when I smoked I never used to cough but now I'm always doing it. :shrug:

31-03-14, 21:17
Hey alma. In some ways, your moment if giving in as helped. If it made you feel I'll, perhaps that's the memory which will spring to mind if you feel tempted.
Also, not that in'm an expert in these matters but I have definitely heard that people get a cough when first giving up smoking.
Mr doing well. Keep up the good work because in the longer-term it will be good for your health.
Hope u r ok otherwise?

31-03-14, 21:44
Hi Mrs Stressed and Sabre, well, last Thursday morning I had a weak moment and had a ciggie, I put it down to going to the hospital. I felt sick afterwards and have not had another. Apart from that it's going ok. Well done Sabre, you are doing great , did you notice that you got a cough after quitting? Strange but when I smoked I never used to cough but now I'm always doing it. :shrug:

Alma its so hard your doing excellent ,yeah I got a cough when I Stopped smoking ,I think its because it was coming out my system you can do it x :yesyes:

09-04-14, 06:28
Thanks for the reassurance Mrs Stressed, I am still coughing, my chest X - Ray was normal that I had done so I am relieved about that. I am now starting to try and cut down on the e - cig. My GP seemed quite happy for me to be using the e -cig which surprised me. xx

09-04-14, 12:14
Alma so glad your x ray was clear that is good news ,keep up the good work your doing so well xx

blue moon
10-04-14, 11:49
I am still puffing alma,my husband said price of smokes are going up 14%, he has never really said much about my smoking(to scared lol ) it will cost for what I smoke nearly $30 a packet! So really must try and give up.I am pleased you are doing well. X