View Full Version : Feel like I need to go to hospital

05-03-14, 00:18
I feel awful. I can't breathe, I'm sweaty and I feel so nauseous in my stomach and chest and generally horrible. I've been like this for hours. My vitals are okay (touch wood) and whenever I've gone to hospital before they haven't found anything wrong (other than an autonomic nervous system condition that stops me from walking and makes me feel lousy) but I feel like I'm having a heart attack or something. My parents will just tell me to shut up if I tell them I feel bad and I don't want to ring my boyfriend so late. Help!

05-03-14, 00:41
hi I know its hard to do this but try t focus on the positives which is your vital signs are good. so you not having a heart attack. anxiety can make the body do anything. hope things get better soon.

05-03-14, 01:42
Freaked, don't be scared and try to relax. You are okay. Maybe you have been through this before, and so remember the light at the end of the tunnel. I know it is hard. Hang in there sweetie, you are not alone in this.

05-03-14, 03:33
Thanks for the replies! They helped a lot. It did eventually pass (after like four hours, sigh). Now if only I could have a day that wasn't like that :-/