View Full Version : Colitis probably amoebic whats next?

05-03-14, 04:51
Hi! Male 21yrs old here. Just had my flexible sigmoidoscopy and endoscopy after experiencing bloating for two months. Post-endoscopic diagnosis is Colitis probably amoebic.

Im very much worried of myself about hows my life gonna be next after being diagnosed with this disease :/

The doctor also get a sample during endoscopy, i think it was for h pylori something like that.....

The doctor prescribed me dexilant for 14 days and flagyl for 5 dAys.
The doctor told me to go back after 1 week for follow up check up. I wonder why would the doctor wants me to go back after a week????

what would my life be after being diagnosed with this disease???????


05-03-14, 11:04
Have you heard of Darren Fletcher? If not, Google 'Darren Fletcher colitis'. He's a professional footballer who had a year out with ulcerative colitis. He's now playing professional football again at the highest level. So I think you can take heart from this.

05-03-14, 13:05
After researching aboutt his disease, i now have much undrstanding of what is happening with my colon.

Any expert here about this disease?

I would like to know the percentage/effectiveness of metronidazole as 1st treatment for eradicating e hystolica?

And if ever it is cured, how much is the risk of this parasites to recur?
And if not cured with metronidazole, surgical intervention is next option right???
How much percentage for surgical intervention to cure this disease?

05-03-14, 16:17
Any expert here about this disease?


05-03-14, 20:59
If I were you, I would look into making diet changes to control this. Many people have had great success with diet alone. In particular, cutting out wheat and gluten will probably help you a lot. Look up healing auto-immune diseases with diet online. There are specific diets like the GAPS diet which can help but also most paleo style diets will be good for you. My favourite is the Perfect Health Diet http://perfecthealthdiet.com/the-diet/ and is what I've been following to help heal my gut. See if you can get hold of the book from the library.