View Full Version : Blister floor of mouth

05-03-14, 05:47
Hi everyone I posted a couple of weeks ago asking if anyone had a pimple like spot on the floor of their mouths as it was making me panic obviously, a week later it filled up like a blister then popped on its own I called my dentist she cannot fit me in until next week and the spot has refilled again someone said it sounds like a ranula, has anyone had experience of this, my anxiety levels are sky high, and this is making me ten times worse !
I also have low iron and doc has given me iron tabs but they are still sitting here as I'm too scared to take them just In case I have a bad reaction to them, stupid I know but I'm sure most of you can relate to that, now I'm thinking is the lack of iron causing me to have the ranula in my mouth and I know I should most definitely be taking the tablets but I kind of need reassurance that I will be ok, sorry to go on but I'm stressing myself out !

05-03-14, 08:17
Iron tablets are safe to take. The main side effect could be that they might make you a bit constipated so you may need to eat foods to help 'you go' while taking them :)

05-03-14, 08:39
You will be absolutely fine. Iron is perfectly safe - you get it from meat and food, so don't worry about taking it. Being low in iron could be contributing to making you anxious so you might find you start feeling better once you're taking them. Taking them with vitamin C helps you absorb it better.

05-03-14, 08:46
Thanks guys (( hugs))

05-03-14, 08:50
Also, I've had weird pimple things in my mouth that have filled with fluid and popped before heaps of times. I have no idea what causes them, but I've never worried about them before. Usually once they've popped they heal and disappear for me. I'm sure it's nothing serious, so don't worry about it.

05-03-14, 09:41
Aw thanks lilharry seeing my dentist soon so hopefully she can reassure me I will let you know what she says it is x

11-05-14, 20:44
Hi, hope everything went well for you at the dentist? I wonder because the last couple of days I had a small lump as you describe on the floor of my mouth under my tongue. I burst it and it bled a little now I have a red sort of spot with tiny black dot. So very frightened it's something sinister, my mind is working overtime.....as usual!!! Thanks for any advice.