View Full Version : This is a really weird phobia here... it's kind of embarrassing actually.

05-03-14, 07:56
For some reason, I have this ridiculous fear of my friends thinking that I like their siblings. And I don't mean just getting along with, I mean liking them. Y'know?

I don''t really know why it makes me so nervous, I know I don't like them, so why should I worry? And why would it matter even if I did? I don't think my friends would care. So why should I be afraid that they think I feel that way?

Yet, for some reason I get nervous around my friends siblings and I also get nervous whenever we talk about them and blush. It's so pathetic, and the way I act probably just makes it seem even more like I like them rather than the opposite.

Does anyone else have this fear? Or does anyone have an idea as to why I would have this stupid fear?

02-04-14, 16:26
I think u suffer from some form of OCD because u r frightened of ur thoughts even though ur fear is irrational and doesn't make sense. U r scared of liking ur friends siblings and that fear is actually amking u actually not even like them. U have to just keep telling urself over and over that its irrational and there's nothing to be afraid of. Listen to ur thoughts and feelings, tell urself ur completely normal. It can take a really long time to take affect becuase ur trying to change ur mindset somewhat but keep telling urself u don't like this problem u have and u don't want to have it anymore. I hope this helped:) good luck xxxxx