View Full Version : Perforated eardrum

05-03-14, 08:23
I was told about a month ago I have a perforated eardrum (I wasn't too surprised I've always had problems with my ears, gromits, glue ear as a kid etc) though it sounded scary apparently it's quite common. I didn't even go to the drs about my ear I just mentioned when i was there my hearing was ever so slightly muffled (no pain at all and ony a small but of sensitivity) it had been like that on and off since Christmas and is pretty much still like it now!

I was told it would take a couple of months to heal and I'm heading back to the drs next Wednesday.. Obv I'm not a dr and can't see inside my own ear but I'm convinced its not changed, at least it feels exactly the same. Cue my HA going into overdrive about why it may or may not have healed.

Has anyone else had a perforated eardrum that didnt heal or at least took ages to heal? Surgery was mentioned but I really don't want that unless I actually have to, especially as my ear isn't currently effecting me at all!

Basically I'm terrified I've got some underlying health issue / cancer that's stopping me heal (this was triggered by a bruise and petechiae rash that seem to be taking forever to fade properly!) I feel like I'm 26 I should be healing faster!

I know I'm jumping the gun a bit because I haven't been back to the drs yet but if anyone has had any similar experiences or words of comfort?!

05-03-14, 09:49
Going from perforated ear drum to cancer is a pretty big jump alright lol!

How are you doing on the anxiety side of things, have you looked at CBT to help you stop the irrational thought processes that lead to worry?

05-03-14, 10:13
I know right?! :blush: The other day I was convinced for a whole morning that I had some kind of cancer because I couldn't taste anything.. I had a cold! My taste came back about a day later! Thankfully managed to talk myself out of that one quite quick haha.

As for the CBT I'm trying some online courses but struggling a bit doing it by myself to be honest.. I'm on the waiting listing for one to one CBT but considering my mum has been waiting nearly a year I'm not thinking it's going to happen any time soon.

I am actually feeling a lot better, this forum has been a great help. I just need to get a handle on these intrusive thoughts : /

05-03-14, 10:42
I've had a perforated ear drum and many infections in the past.

Mines healed fine, well I'm pretty sure it has as I've had no problems hearing wise. Your going to be fine :)

05-03-14, 12:27
Thanks LunaLiuna :) I think ear problems are definitely something certain people are more prone to. I'm going to stop thinking about it until I have to :)