View Full Version : so FED UP of this

05-03-14, 08:49
Im so fed up of my (i think anxiety)...it is affecting everything I do. Going into work on the train in the morning..I think im ok for a bit then WHAM heart stasrts racing....missing beats..panic mode....something seriously wrong with me...got to get off

..I just feel like im not normal.

I spend all day worrying that maybe there is now something wrong with my heart..ive been to the docs 3 times in the past 2 weeks - ive been prescribed a mild anti anxiety and also the option of going to Cog Therapy.

...but i still feel there is something wrong with me...which is what is fuelling my anxiety.

The feeling of missed beats is just awful and makes me catch my breath...this happens much more when im at work than when im at home I think...which is strange.

..has anyone had a similar experience?

I hate it!...I just want to get back to being relatively normal!

05-03-14, 08:56
Maybe you have a magnesium deficiency - you could try a supplement. I've experienced the same feelings you have for years. It has subsided now that I have been treated for candida which can also cause these symptoms.

05-03-14, 09:58
Have you talked to your doctor about the missed beats feeling? They are very common with anxiety, but it's always best to ask a medical professional.

Other things that can cause them can be things like caffeine (including drinks like tea, cola, energy drinks etc as well as coffee), sugary & junk foods, acid reflux, not eating enough and dehydration. I would not advise to start taking magnesium unless your doctor has checked out the palpitations first.

If you've been told that it's just down to anxiety then the CBT would be a good option for you, as would engaging your parasympathetic nervous system with a daily relaxation exercise - this will reduce the amount of stress hormones in your body and so reduce the palpitations caused by them.