View Full Version : Hi everyone

05-03-14, 10:43
Hello, just joined. I really enjoy reading the forums and find that they bring a lot of comfort. I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression for most of my life. I am 28 now. I remember having uncontrollable panic attacks as young as 4 or 5 years of age. I am now on medication and doing much better! I still have setbacks though. I have a special needs son and he has spent the majority of his life in the ICU and has had 27 surgeries/procedures so far. This has caused my health anxiety which I already had anyway, to go through the roof! Now I'm always expecting to have something horrible happen to me and end up on the ventilator. I worry about ridiculous things.... A sore tongue means I have oral cancer, a little lump that shows up must be a tumor etc etc.. You know how it is. Not fun at all! But if we have to be insane, at least we can be insane together!! :yesyes:

06-03-14, 16:41
Hello and:welcome:

06-03-14, 18:22
Hi Amy
You and your son have and are going through some tough times as you support him you need support too. People are friendly on here and supportive too. Wishing you all the best

07-03-14, 18:16
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.

08-03-14, 22:57