View Full Version : Inner knee and thigh feels bruised but no bruise there-dvt?

05-03-14, 12:53
My inner knee and thigh feels bruised but there is no bruise there at all? I have had this pain before but no where near as bad as now and the top of my thigh is starting to tingle to and feels hot But not to the touch. I'm trying to think logically and thinking it could b nerve related? Anyone had this before x

05-03-14, 13:27
Hey just wanna say that I get this regularly! For me it's often the inside of my calf. Unfortunately I have no idea why this happens! Iv had this since a young age though, over many many years always goes away an hasn't caused any serious problems other than annoyance! I do find it's worse when I'm tired no idea why though! Sorry I can't be of more help

05-03-14, 13:38
Thank u, it's comforting to no I'm not the only one who has it

05-03-14, 13:41
I think it's a lot to do with being tense, I think when you are anxious it's amazing how many muscles you tense up without even realising

05-03-14, 13:48
I think that too as when I press different parts of legs arms etc
It to feels bruised and painful, I'm 25 and not a day goes by where I'm not in pain from one thing or another and I'm sure it's because I tense so much I have to stop myself from clenching my jaw most days, wish we could all just relax and b happy, without having to worry x

05-03-14, 13:59
I'm exactly the same. I'm 21 and feel about 91! Keep positive that you'll feel better one day x