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05-03-14, 16:30
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* #1 *
05-03-14, 12:18
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 241

Still worried about Ovarian C

I'm still trapped in this fear of ovarian C. It started after I read the symptoms, and as I always have stomach discomfort I'm convinced I have it. My lower stomach always feels distended, to the point where I subconsciously hold it in. This has been like that for a while. I just thought it was normal for me, until I read those symptoms.
I saw my doctor and she gave me an abdominal/pelvic exam and said I don't feel bloated, it feels soft etc. So that's made me feel sort of better. But in the last day or two I've got a twinge like pain over my right ovary, or that's what it feels like, and the top of my leg.
I've read do much stuff about how easily it's misdiagnosed as IBS, anxiety and other problems and I'm getting into a flap again.
She said to go back in a month, (I think that's her plan to keep me away for longer than two weeks!), which I will, but I'm getting worried again.
Would I know if I had bad bloating? Can your tummy feel heavier if you've put weight on in that area?
I'm on a diet and training now, but it's knocking the wind out of my sails. I've started thinking very bleakly, along the lines of, theres no point in doing this, because you probably do have C.
I'm not working anymore, everything is focused on my health.
Need advice :(

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 14:57 ----------

Sorry about all of that at the top, I had to copy and paste because it was moved to female health. I'd prefer the post to stay here as I have serious health anxiety problems. Thanks.

---------- Post added at 16:30 ---------- Previous post was at 14:59 ----------

Sorry I know I've posted a lot about this. Just looking for some advice, anything really.x

05-03-14, 16:41
Sorry I know I've posted a lot about this. Just looking for some advice, anything really.x

The only thing I can offer is some truth.....

Here's the thing LF... Your doctor is not concerned. You've had tests and all is Ok concerning cancer. You do have anxiety and anxiety related stomach issues and have been told that. You're asking fellow HA sufferers to tell you it's not cancer when medical professionals have already told you. What can be said that will really quell your fears? Professional help is what's truly needed.

No one here can do that and reassurance, as this post shows, only lasts a short time. Truly, I hope you get a handle on the Dragon. I feel bad for you knowing how this is consuming your life :(

Positive thoughts

05-03-14, 17:03
Hi LF I have to agree with fishmanpa ,if the professionals cant reassure sorry to say we cant ,there is only you can stop this you need to stop focusing on this ,the less you do the better you will feel trust the doctors wishing you well x

05-03-14, 17:12
Thanks for these replies. To be fair I've totally lost it since I've stopped my CBT. I'm totally back at square one.
I'm sorry for asking for reassurance all the time. I know there's only so much can be said.
I'm still dieting and training and hope to see results soon, that'll help with my fear I think.
It's just so frustrating. My partner is getting reeeeally hacked off, infact he swore at me today and said he's sick of hearing it. That's how bad it is.
My doctor is good, she knows what to look for. That should be enough shouldn't it?
Exhausted with it.x

05-03-14, 18:16
Thanks for these replies. To be fair I've totally lost it since I've stopped my CBT. I'm totally back at square one.
I'm sorry for asking for reassurance all the time. I know there's only so much can be said.
I'm still dieting and training and hope to see results soon, that'll help with my fear I think.
It's just so frustrating. My partner is getting reeeeally hacked off, infact he swore at me today and said he's sick of hearing it. That's how bad it is.
My doctor is good, she knows what to look for. That should be enough shouldn't it?
Exhausted with it.x

Aww im not saying dont look for reassurance just you need to believe the gp and I totally no were your coming from when you about people getting sick of you ,people just roll there eyes at me now wishing you well xx

05-03-14, 18:24
Hi LF,

This is my first post back on here due to some personal issues.

I believe we were discussing your breasts and the lack thereof of cancer within them the last time we conversed. Any cancer appear there? No? Well, why is this time different then?

Get back on the CBT sweetheart. You don't have to live like this.

05-03-14, 18:56
I moved it to the Women's forum as it is about women's problem specifically.

I know you have HA but we have specific sub-forums for a reason.

06-03-14, 19:16
Hello Katesa, been a while! Hope all is well for you.
Yeah, the breast thing has been pretty much forgotten about and it's all about the ovaries.
I'm still having twingy pains but I'm trying to stay rational.
Still panicking me a bit though x