View Full Version : Anyone in Bath (Somerset)?

05-03-14, 17:17
Hello, recently moved to Bath, know no-one, have a huge amount of on-going anxiety and crying a lot through isolation. (a family rift). Is there anyone on here from my neck of the woods? I'm not normally a needy person but the past two months have been the loneliest in my whole life. So just posting on here in the hope.......



05-03-14, 17:45
Yep I am 15 minutes away in Wiltshire... sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment. Loneliness is terrible.:welcome:

05-03-14, 19:51
Yeah I am in Bath BA2. I'm just saying this to let you know that there are others here too.

05-03-14, 20:21
I am in BA2 as well. Moved here from the opposite side of the country for one person who has decided to just leave my life. :weep:. I don't know anyone. I sleep ok but the moment I wake up this huge huge surge of anxiety floods my body and stays. I'm on Sertraline 100mg which is doing nothing. Doc has given me 5mg diazepam tablets to take one whenever I feel I just can't cope anymore but says they don't work if you take them frequently. The isolation is awful. Do any of you who live in Bath ever meet up for a coffee? I really really need a bit of company. Sorry to sound needy -- but I've never felt so in need of a friend in my life. At my age - retired -- it's so difficult to adjust. I've been waiting for PTSD counselling from "Lift" but nothing yet. The primary care team at the hospital have helped but I just need someone local to meet up with now and again :welcome:

05-03-14, 20:49
Aw I know people keep trying to arrange a Bristol meet up and there are a couple around from Bath, maybe if we can collect one or two more we could go for a coffee. I'm only 19 so as you can imagine I am more comfortable with a couple of people :)

05-03-14, 22:07
I'd be happy to meet up in Bath:)

05-03-14, 22:27
Really? That would be so nice I think. Shall I send you a private message with my mobile no? (not sure what the procedure is on here :blush:)

05-03-14, 22:31
Yes you could, we could also see what sort of times and days we are free here? I have such an erratic schedule!

05-03-14, 22:36
would you like to meet? I can send you my telephone number privately if that's what you do on here. I'm retired now but we've all got our problems coping with what life throws at us :unsure:

05-03-14, 22:39
Yes if we meet as a group :) Yes send it to us if you like. If this week I am free tomorrow afternoon and some bits of friday and lunchtime on the weekends.

05-03-14, 22:44
the rest of this week is a bit full on for me --- appointment at hospital, home visit from Sirona, and a "mindfulness" group (just joined). But maybe next week???

05-03-14, 22:47
Yes that's fine, feel free to suggest a time when you feel ready :) look forward to seeing you!

06-03-14, 08:49
I'm up for next week.

06-03-14, 09:33
Great, will text you :yesyes:

18-03-14, 18:31
Did this happen?? I live just down the road and have PTSD

18-03-14, 19:44
Not yet! Come along.

19-03-14, 09:26
When is it?

19-03-14, 10:13
We haven't arranged, I'll let you know

19-03-14, 10:54
I would like to attend if ok,Im not in Bath but im in Somerset

19-03-14, 17:16
Hi everyone -- these are the only times I have free next week as I go to support groups for my anxiety etc. I'm happy to meet up wherever in Bath town so up to you.

Monday morning 11ish
Monday afternoon 2ish
Tuesday morning 11ish
Wednesday afternoon 2ish
Friday afternoon 2ish

Hope to see you all!:)

Sarah xx

---------- Post added at 17:16 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

so do I! you're not alone :hugs:

19-03-14, 18:49
I can only do monday morning!

19-03-14, 19:51
Anybody else for Monday morning?

19-03-14, 21:54
I can make Monday, but I am in Bath Tuesday for a meet at 12.00, so a coffee at 10.30 or 11 on Tuesday would be great.

19-03-14, 22:33
Hi, well can you make Monday as there will then be 3 of us at the moment?? If it's very awkward please say.

21-03-14, 08:42
I can make monday at the minute- post the details and I will try and get there.

21-03-14, 10:52
Yeah tuesday mornings are a no-no for me NR sorry, I'll be very impressed if we all make it though :D

21-03-14, 17:30
Me too! Much hangs on the time as I have a few meetings. The meet up should go ahead with or without me as if we wait for a time we can all make it........

I can always get the next one.

21-03-14, 18:14
Well what do you two want to do? I can meet you at say the Chapel Arts Centre for a coffee/tea at 11.30 if you want or would you prefer another time?? I honestly don't mind, just need to know......

21-03-14, 18:32
Just noticed this would love to join you but Mon no good for me.... count me in for next time though:)

21-03-14, 18:36
Aw, what about tuesday then, if you can all do that leave me out till next time :)

21-03-14, 20:48
can you do Tuesday 11.30??

21-03-14, 21:08
Who me? No will have to miss it, sarah?

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 21:07 ----------


21-03-14, 23:08
Monday 11.30?:blush:

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:04 ----------

NR can you make Tuesday morning 11ish?

22-03-14, 12:24
I can make Tuesday at 11am. I will need to be at a meeting in the centre of Bath for 12. So 11am would be great. I have PTSD.

22-03-14, 18:11
can you make Tuesday Sarah? I'm going and NR too. At the Chapel Arts centre at 11am. I'm a retired lady, also called Sarahj! :D

---------- Post added at 18:11 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

Monday 11am at Chapel Arts café?? I'm meeting NR and Sarah on Tuesday but can meet you on Monday if you like? My replies to people seem to be all over the place so hope the right people get the right replies haha :doh:

22-03-14, 20:04
I understand the confusion - sarah h and sarah j! I'm guessing you mean me now haha - Yes I will come on monday if you don't mind having two meetings this week :)

24-03-14, 12:52
Did you meet up today?

24-03-14, 12:56
Yes had a lovely meetup. Hope you have a nice time tomorrow guys!

24-03-14, 14:59
Thats good- looks like the one tomorrow is off, so lets all meet up next week?

24-03-14, 15:52
:doh:kind of missed all this. Sorry guys I can only do weekends and afternoons as I work 5 mornings a week


24-03-14, 16:07
SarahH and NR which afternoons can you make this week??

24-03-14, 16:19
Can do weekends before about 2

14-05-14, 16:49

I am new to this forum. Live in BA2, would love to hear/meet other fellow suffers.

16-05-14, 12:18
Welcome, I am in Somerset about 1 hr from bath.