View Full Version : Right hand side stomach pain

05-03-14, 18:56
Keep having really bad ache like a pulling feeling on my right hand upper to lower side of stomach, have had it on and off for about a year or so now, had an abdominal ultra scan last year which detected gallstones, has anybody had these symptoms with gallstones? Or do you think it's something more serious? Really scared and so fed up of worrying, would appreciate any feed back.

05-03-14, 19:19
Hi I have had similar pains for 6 months now. Going for endoscopy in 2 weeks and waiting for sigmoidoscopy. I thought gallstones was more of an intolerable pain. Mine is like a dull gnawing ache. I did worry at first but being on this forum has helped. I didn't want to go for tests but other members (thanks Fish!) encouraged me to do so. X

05-03-14, 19:45
Thanks worriedwellornot yeh mine is like a gnawing ache with a pulling sensation, starts from about 2cm under ribs and goes down sometimes to groin it's more so on my side then stomach, just worries me incase anything sinister . Pls keep me I touch how u get on with tests x

05-03-14, 20:07
Will do may broke

05-03-14, 21:01
Try not to panic (easier said than done I know)
I'm having something similar at the moment (well the last 4 wks or so) mine is lower down towards my groin, ovary and hip area but often goes up to under my right rib. I have been referred for an abdominal ultrasound but still waiting for the appointment. The doc reckons it's musculoskeletal but Im not sure and keep thinking the worse as it's been going on for a month and getting progressively worse. It does get worse when I walking or driving but when I'm sitting or living down I hardly feel it. It's really starting to get me down and can't seem to focus on anything else.

05-03-14, 21:21
Thanks 3tikes does your feel like a pulling burning ache? Let me know how u get on at scan x

05-03-14, 22:43
It does a bit, if I stretch backwards it feels like it's pulling then at other times it's like a sharp stabbing pain or twinge that lasts a split second. At first I tried to convince myself that it was just an anxiety thing and it was in my head but after nearly 5wks I'm quite sure it isn't. Good luck x

05-03-14, 22:55
Yes, I get pains on my right side. Anywhere between my ribs and down to my groin area. I've had it on off for over a year now. I've had an ultrasound and they couldn't find anything. My naturopath has told me to look up the "psoas muscle" on google and find some exercises to see if that helps.

06-03-14, 14:17
Interesting. I have some right side discomfort as well, though mine is fairly mild. I also have two distinct kinds - the 'tight' feeling and the twingey feeling!

I'm fairly sure the tightness is muscular as it feels like a tight muscle, much like when I try to stretch my (definitely tight) hamstrings. I can feel it if I lean sideways or backwards but not usually otherwise. It's also worse in the mornings and eases off during the day. I get a slightly tight feeling in my groin when I first stand up from my chair, which then eases off as I walk but does come back if I walk a long way. I think it's worse when I've been wearing heels or if I've spent a long time sitting in a bad position, like on a long car journey or whatever. Nothing hurts when I press on it or bend over - in fact, if I rub/massage just above my hip or in my groin, it goes off, almost away entirely in fact. So I'm fairly sure that it's muscular - and like Lilharry, the psoas muscle has also been suggested to me, as that muscle seems to go from the groin, round the top of the hip and to your lower back, which is exactly where I feel the tightness. I do occasionally get a dull ache with it as well - that's especially if I've been sitting a long time in the wrong position, I think! - but it's quite mild really.

The twinges are mostly in an area halfway between ribs and hip, and I've always assumed that they're digestive-related. I have a bit of IBS and I've been noticing the twinges since I had a stomach bug a few months back. Would be interested to know if any of you get any interesting answers from the tests - but I suspect muscle tightness and anxiety is probably the cause!

06-03-14, 19:01
Well I've had a trip back to the docs tonight as the pain has been far worse the last two days. The lovely lady doctor did an internal and couldn't see or feel anything and she had a good old press of the tummy and i couldn't feel any tenderness. I had some bloods taken as she's done a tumour marker test which will no doubt make me worry!!! Anyway she's allayed my fear of having cervical or ovarian cancer and said the blood test will hopefully put my mind at rest.
She doesn't think the pain is muscular but thinks it could well be an ovarian cyst or IBS caused by anxiety as I'm often constipated.

06-03-14, 20:07
Thanks for all your replys , I've got the ache now, not so much painful but more of an awareness . I've often wondered about an ovarian cyst, not sure if you would get this type of ache with ibs. I had routine blood tests and an abdominal ultra scan that came back clear apart from gallstones, just the big C worries the hell out of me x