View Full Version : Ear infection connected to Dizziness

05-03-14, 21:00
Hi everyone at the moment I have an ear infection which I wasn't worried about as they are common, but today I have started getting really dizzy especially when I cough. To make it worse I have been on Google ( I know thats the worst thing to do) but I can not find anywhere that the two are connected? Can anyone put my mind at rest? Thanks

05-03-14, 21:07
Do Not do Dr Google :lac:

And yes the ears effect our balance, i know this after having inner ear infection and i kept walking into walls etc and couldn't cross the road.

However, i'm not a doc, the logistics of your dizziness is most prob connected with your ears as you have an ear infection, don't do google and when you get a chance pop back to docs..............the real doc :hugs: