View Full Version : why cant i seperate my anxiety from other illnesses

05-03-14, 21:08
please someone tell me that they are simular to me in this way,i was at the doc two years ago and they put me on gaestro meds (first i was mixing the burning in my stomach with anxiety because i could feel it in my chest too). i got a camera in my stomach and they seen that there was no prob and they took me off the meds,while i was on them i was fine but then when i was taken off them the burning returned,and in my mind the burning is just anxiety now (even though the gaestro meds did work).. Ive been back to the hospital for a scan on my stomach and its turns out ive a polyp in my gallbladder (no meds needed for this,just repeat scan to check measurement)..but the burning is still there and now it is affecting my breathing too (like ive to gulp in big amounts of air to relieve the burn)... It is just all so confusing,i know if i didnt have anxiety i could explain the symptoms better to my doc,but it is really clouding my judgement..any suggestions

05-03-14, 21:11
Because they are all interlinked and related despite what your doctor might tell you. Your gut and your mind are connected to eachother - what you feel affects your gut and your gut affects how you feel. This article goes a little way to explaining it: http://www.healthcentral.com/anxiety/c/4182/162921/gut-brain-connection-anxiety/