View Full Version : Lexapro Concerns?

06-03-14, 00:34
Yesterday i was prescribed Lexapro for severe anxiety and depression. And i was wondering if anyone had maybe experienced the same side effects?
I was put on 5 mg for five days and then increase to 10 mg after the 5 days and ive only taken one dose. But ive felt extremely nauceous since i took it last night. And right now my face and jaw kinda hurt. And i have a really bad headache. And ive been very shaky.
Ive read the side effects subside in within a week or two but i was just wondering if anybody experienced the same side effects at all.
Thank you!

10-03-14, 12:51
Hi, have been on this five days now and am in a similar state of mind. Seem to have lots of muscle pains in my back/ neck shoulder sort of like the flu but without the fever. I've googled it, as you do and your and my side effects seem to be pretty common. But still you like to hear first hand from someone else that's been through it and come out the other side. Good luck with your journey sorry I couldn't be more help. At least you know you're not the only one. Take care. Steve

17-03-14, 23:08
I never really felt sick but had terrible headaches at first. These side effects will pass I promise. All the gery best xx

17-03-14, 23:43
nausea, headaches and tight, tense muscles are fairly common upon start-up. nausea is due to the way our bodies process and produce serotonin, tight muscles will likely explain the sore jaw due to teeth clenching - I still do that now and again almost 3 years later. Not sure what the physiological reasons for headaches, but do know, they are very common in the first week or so. keep in mind also, that it can take up to 4+ weeks for side effects to settle down and the meds to really start making a difference. It may feel a bit like 1 step forward and 2 steps back but hang in there. Cipralex as made a huge difference for me. I've never felt better!
Take care.

19-03-14, 17:59
Sounds familiar, give it a few days and they will pass.