View Full Version : Hi all

06-03-14, 02:36
Hello all!

My name is Alex and I've been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks on and off for the last 10 years. I used to have panic attacks fairly infrequently and felt able to manage them much better but in the last few years I've found them to have become a much more regular (and unwanted!) fixture in my life.

I also suffer with fear of flying and claustrophobia, meaning I find it incredibly difficult to take trains, buses etc, which can be very limiting.

At the moment I am having a rubbish time; daily panic attacks, constant fear and pressure and tension and I feel quite alone. I'm also suffering with insomnia/anxiety related to sleep, which isn't fun. I find the night times very difficult and often find myself dreading the evenings from the moment I wake up. Not sleeping makes me feel worse, which in turn makes the anxiety worse, which then makes it harder to sleep - such a vicious cycle!

I have spoken with several doctors about my issues, all of whom have been incredibly keen to prescribe anti-depressants; something which I am not keen on the idea of (I am worried that they will make me worse before they make me feel better; I don't want to commit to a long term drug treatment and I am scared of potential side effects) As such I am trying to rely solely on natural remedies such as meditation and over-the-counter drugs.

Anyway, that's me. I know things will get better but right now it just doesn't feel like it!

06-03-14, 03:33
Hi Alex

I'm going through the same anxieties with sleep at the moment. So you're not alone with this. And it makes all my other anxiety symptoms worse too.

Some good advice I was given on here is just to expect no sleep and accept that you'll be tired tomorrow. By reducing the expectation, we can reduce the anxiety and sleep should just come hopefully!

Anyway, I know what you're going through mate. It's no fun


08-03-14, 22:55