View Full Version : what should i do now?

06-03-14, 08:19
I'm not sure what to do next. My doctor seems to have given up and was happy to send me away taking painkillers.
I have had a pain in my ribs for over six months.
I had clear blood tests last year checking liver, kidneys etc. Had more bloods a few weeks ago and everything was fine other than slightly high calcium levels. My doctor thinks this is because of taking too many supplements and I'm due to have it repeated next week.
I had a chest xray three weeks ago which was clear. Now my doctor has passed it off as muscle pain and sent me on my way.
Thing is, the pain is still there. In a specific spot under my breast on the right. How can a muscle pain last this long especially as I don't even remember injuring the area?
So what now? Do I push for more tests?
What does an xray even show? Would it show a tumour in my ribs?
Could rib pain be breast cancer? (Doctor did a breast exam and nothing concerned her)
I know everyone will tell me to deal with the anxiety, believe me, I'm doing this!!!
But I'd like some advice as to what others would do in this situation?

06-03-14, 08:38
Anxious people tend to hold all our muscles, especially in the upper torso, very tight. There are lots of muscles between the ribs, and these can begin to hurt if this happens for a period of time. It's something that will go away by itself when you're able to relax, though it's a viscious circle I know as it's difficult to relax when the pain is there. I broke this circle by seeing an osteopath privately, who released it all up which proved to me it was just muscular, and this alloed me to focus on not tensing my torso.

The important thing is the professionals don't think there's anything serious wrong with you. :)

06-03-14, 08:48
What does an xray even show? Would it show a tumour in my ribs?

Yes. There would have been a large shadow on your x-ray if there had been any tumours in your ribs, chest, lungs or anywhere in that area.

06-03-14, 10:13
If you've had numerous medical checks, then it's more than likely that it is anxiety causing some disruption of your muscles, digestion, or whatever. Something like cancer would show up big-time.

Never forget that the original meaning of the word "hypochondria" was "chest pain" (or more specifically "under the chestbone").

06-03-14, 10:56
Muscle pain can last a long time especially if you are tense and anxious.

06-03-14, 12:13
Hanging Basket, it's a good thing that your physicians aren't worried. X-rays, blood work all fine. Trust in your physicians and try to not focus on the pain. Stretching and breathing exercises may help release your tension, not to mention help your anxiety levels. I often try alternating heat and ice for a muscle strain or for muscular tension. It can help ease up the tension. Massage is also great for releasing the tension held in our muscles. Just a few thoughts that might help m

06-03-14, 19:45
I have exactly the same thing. Doctor said the same to me. Is it worse when you lie down? Mine is. I'm ok sleeping, but sitting up in bed or sat on sofa with feet up, or in the bath hurts more. Walking seems okay. It preys on my mind too.

06-03-14, 20:12
I'm the same as you Hanging and Claire. Surely we can't all have something serious can we? Pain under rib is really unnerving x

06-03-14, 20:19
mine almost feels like a pinching pain. only on the right side. nothing seems to make it better or worse, painkillers do nothing for it.
do you guys only feel the pain on one side? how long have you had the pain?

06-03-14, 20:32
Mine is like an dull ache, Sometimes a pinch, Sometimes a burn, Sometimes just uncomfortable, Sometimes a vague awareness, Sometimes a really horrible gnawing pulling pain - ALWAYS on the right side, under my boob mostly, but it is Sometimes tucked *under* my ribs there, Sometimes just below my ribs, Sometimes in my back and shoulder blade.

I hold it and poke it a lot, when I stop and relax it *does* feel better, but it also feels better when I take antacids, so I don't know what it is - but it bothers me. Always there. It won't go!

06-03-14, 20:39
Mine is very similar to Claire but it's only tucked up under right rib. However when in bed I press on where the pain is ( as you do! ) and I can't feel anything. During the day I don't notice it. It's only when I'm sitting on the sofa I can feel it. I can only describe it as a sore dull ache. Very different to the fleeting stabbing pains in my heart area or the gnawing sensation in the pit of my stomach. X

06-03-14, 21:34
both of you describe my pain exactly!!! i'm sorry you're both suffering but also i'm so relieved to hear others have the same thing.
do either of you know what is causing it?
today it's very painful.. like really bad
it's not always like this but it's scaring me today
have you guys had this as long as me?

06-03-14, 22:05
I've had mine since October, first it came and went, usually if I had drank red wine the day before (weirdly). Gradually it has increased to most of the time. I am trying to remember not to 'clutch' at it, but holding it/pressure seems to help it... The less I grab at it, the better it feels (mostly) but some days it is really uncomfortable and hard to 'let go'. X Is yours worse sitting up in bed/on sofa/ lying down? My pain is mostly just right of the middle if my right boob, fourth/fifth rib up from the bottom. I feel it in my back too. Up by my shoulder blade. X I was recently diagnosed with gastritis and the right side pain was much worse then. Could you have acid reflux? I'm wondering if that's not a part of my problem. X

06-03-14, 22:17
Claire mine started in October half term! Hanging Mine came on as a sour taste in mouth that lasted all week followed by indigestion when eating. My tummy was slightly sore in the middle when I pressed on it and I noticed the pain under rib. My GP sent me for blood tests including liver function. These were fine. Started on PPIs which cleared up the indigestion but didn't get rid of pain. Now been referred for endoscopy on 17th March. Had to stop the PPis and the rib and stomach pain worse today. X

06-03-14, 22:25
Like you I've had an ultrasound, Blood tests, xray - all normal, but so far I have not been referred to gastroenterology. I have a GP appt on Monday, I'll see what she says. :) I definitely have reflux issues with the recent onset of gastritis and I feel pain from that entirely on the right side too. X

Worried well, Did you have to stop the PPI for the endoscopy? :( Ouchies!

07-03-14, 07:18
Maybe mine is slightly different then :( I don't think mine is gastro related. I have no indigestion/reflux/heartburn/ nausea or anything. Just this bloody pain :(
A lot of my muscles hurt and are stiff but nothing compared to my ribs. Its like something grabs me inside and squeezes and twists it every so often. To the point of real pain. As well as a constant ache/odd feeling.
I don't understand how muscle pain can last this long and not get better. This is why I'm worried its a bone problem, but then the xray was fine.
I don't have pain through the night, and its never as bad in the morning. It dies ease a little if I rub the areaand ppressure helps. Does this suggest muscular?
After 6 months, would I be really ill if it was cancer?

07-03-14, 12:52
Being that the medical professionals have ruled out anything sinister, perhaps it's time to visit a pain management specialist and seek PT (physical therapist).

Positive thoughts

07-03-14, 17:20
Hi yes I have had to stop the PPis but so far there has been no rebound acid or symptoms which is what I thought was supposed to happen. The worst part is the rib pain.

07-03-14, 19:05
Hanging Basset, I didn't think mine was Gastro related either, until I had gastritis and my stomach pain referred there. I think sometimes people can have acid and not know. I do think mine is muscular too. It helps it a little when I relax my shoulders and stop clutching it. X