View Full Version : Getting myself all worked up

06-03-14, 12:16
The last few days I've felt very tired and apprehensive. Just this horrible feeling of being on edge. I struggled through the morning with symptoms of an itchy nose that kind of spread to my face. I've had this before, but it got to me this morning. I could feel myself getting all worked up :doh:- then came the weird head feeling, dry mouth and general anxious feeling. Now I'm catastrophising (sp?) about stroke.

Anyone have this itchy nose feeling? Can anxiety cause this? Maybe it's a silent migraine?

I am uprooting again and moving house - i guess that doesn't help as I've been feeling pretty stressed about it.

Still feeling anxious right now :(

06-03-14, 12:44
No that does not help,When i moved in to this horrible pit of a house my life turned i did not realize how much work it would take to get it straight my doctor thinks this may have triggered my anxiety to be as horrific as it has been i have so many symptoms i give up and itching well lets just say some days i feel like i am infested with fleas.

06-03-14, 13:08
Dexter, :hugs:

Thank you for your post. I'm really sorry you're stressed with moving. I sympathise.

Just PM me if u need to chat x