View Full Version : Bad vision questions

06-03-14, 14:41
Been worried about my eyes for the past couple of days. I don't worry about them as much anymore and I try not to worry so my anxiety doesn't get worse. My eyes have been a bit blurry lately. Other symptoms is they feel tired sometimes dry. Sometimes but not often painful but that's rare. Do I need glasses or is this something I should get checked by a doctor? Thanks for reading.

06-03-14, 14:50
Hi Kevin - Do you spend alot of time concentrating on computers? I work in accounts and spend hours a day in front of a computer screen. End result - tired, blurry, out of focus eyes.... especially my right eye which is weaker. It's always good to have your eyes tested but I use drops to moisten my eyes and it works a treat. Anxiety can also mess with your vision so I don't think you need to worry too much. Hope that helps. xx

06-03-14, 15:43
Hi Kevin,

I think you have asked about your eye worries recently. Did you go to the opticians as suggested. They can diagnose many things and reassure you.


06-03-14, 16:17
Anything helps. I have scheduled for that appointment to the optician. Just wanted some thoughts on what could be causing it. I do spend a lot of time on the computer, a lot actually. I do it to take my mind off things plus it's too cold nowadays to go out and doing anything athletic anymore lol. I will try the eye drops after I get my eyes checked. Thanks!