View Full Version : Hiya!!

06-03-14, 17:08
Hey all!!

I've just joined no more panic in hope of finding some normality to this vile health anxiety which I've been suffering since christmas.
Basically I'm CONSTANTLY worrying about illness and having something wrong with and dying and leaving my 3 boys without a mum.
I was given citolapram (?) at first but this gave me horrendous palpitations which left me in a&e having an ECG, I was then given propanalol but was taken off that because I was suffering with my breathing. After my horrid experiences with these tablets I decided that I would steer clear of medication, and choose to use natural remedies! I use kalms, chamomile capsules and rescue remedy when needed, and take vitamin b complex daily. Since only using these natural remedies, I haven't suffered ANY panic attacks, but was having 1 or 2 a week when on medication.
One of my main concerns, and daily worries is still with my breathing. I struggle to walk up the stairs, bend down to the tumble dryer etc. I have had a lung X-ray and scan and bloods, and all were clear. Apparently my heart is working ok too! But I am being tested for asthma in a few weeks to rule that out! It's hard to come to terms with the fact that anxiety could cause me to suffer so much with my breathing?!!! Please let me know if anyone out there struggles as much as me with their breathing?!! As well as the breathing thing, I suffer from the occasional palpitation, achey neck and chest and general feeling of unease!!
I have been referred for cognitive behavioural therapy, and luckily have private health insurance so my appointment came pretty quickly. My first one being next week!!

Any tips, words of wisdom, or general helpful comments welcome!!
Emma xx

07-03-14, 18:14
Hi Emma. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

I had the same experience on propranolol, they left me short of breath. I don't have Health Anxiety at the moment, but being short of breath is one side-effect that puts me off any drug.

09-03-14, 19:59
Thanks mark.
The propanalol has been out of my system for a while now, and I'm feeling ok, other than the shortness of breath which I experience every time I do anything physical! I really do hope that it's just anxiety, but having a test for asthma in a couple of weeks.
Emma x

09-03-14, 20:03
Hello and welcome Emma you will find lots of help and support here off like minded people x