View Full Version : Goodbye all! Fishmanpa - much love.

06-03-14, 17:33
Dear all,

I'm leaving this forum, indefinitely, today.

My journey has brought me to the diagnosis of LPR. It's quite mild and I wasn't prescribed any medication, but it's something I know I now have.

LPR is something that if not sorted, can become severe, or make life uncomfortable - and no surprises here - many of us with anxiety and stress develop it.

I know that spending time on here has been incredibly, incredibly useful. Everyone on here is wonderfully kind and patient and the advice they offer is so, so useful.

Having said that, in order to battle LPR and to battle health anxiety, I cannot frequent forums like this. They only serve to make me spiral and look more and more into negative things.

There are ways to beat conditions that we have. A strict diet, exercise and lifestyle changes can beat anything, mental or physical, providing you are dedicated enough and do not falter on your path to a healthy life.

You control your body. It does not control you. Volition. Choice. It's yours to struggle with.

If this comes across as over the top, forgive me - I'm only highlighting something that I myself have and am determined to beat.

I truly wish you all a speedy recovery from your maladies. Remember brothers and sisters, that it's in your hands. We just have to want it badly enough.

Fishmanpa - I hope you read this. You're someone on here who deserves a lot of credit. You're extremely kind and extremely brave. I don't think you'll find anyone on here who disagrees with me. I really wish you all the best. I KNOW you'll hit that 2 year mark, brother.

SpacedExtra, over and out.

06-03-14, 18:03
Great post Spaced. Wishing you all the best. I completely agree with your comments about Fishmanpa he brings a lot of wise perspective to this forum x

06-03-14, 18:26
Wise words,I am taking what you say seriously i don't wont to be going round in circles for months or even years.

I wish you well :)

06-03-14, 18:42
Hey Spaced,

Real positive post and thank you for the positive thoughts! You'll do fine. There's a strength and determination in your words that's quite evident to me.

Best wishes and positive thoughts always!

06-03-14, 18:42
Good luck:hugs:

Catherine S
06-03-14, 21:04
Can I ask what LPR means? And I wish you all the very best for the future, take care.


06-03-14, 21:28
Best wishes. Now you have a diagnosis you know what you are dealing with and can do whatever needs to be done. I feel the same about this forum - sometimes it helps, but at other times it just pulls me further into the mentality that I am ill. I also find I need to step back and have a break on occasion. We all have to do what helps us most. I post more when I feel well as that is when I am most able to offer support. The forum is always here if you need support again. Good luck.