View Full Version : Returned to the dark place :-(

07-03-14, 01:26
Soooo been on sertraline 50 mg for 6-7 weeks now and they seemed to be doing ok... My mood seems to have been a lot steadier and my compulsive behavior just seems as urgent .. Well in past 2 weeks my brother in laws grandad died (terminal cancer) friends mum is on deathbed (again terminal cancer) and a lad round my ways who was about 5 yrs older then me randomly hung himself! He was such a happy cheeky guy no1 can believe it. I didn't know him well just well enough to say hello and have a brief chat. For past few days I felt really bleak I'm not close to any of these people. I'm stressing about these palpatations again they have been going on that long I feel certain it something bad :-(

07-03-14, 02:39
That's the thing with the meds is that they work and then you get used to them. They help with anxiety but is not the total solution. Have you tried CBT?