View Full Version : Guilt about not panicking

07-03-14, 08:36
So I've decided to quit my job because it was so stressful that it made me have the worst episode of OCD and panic I've had in years, and right now living at home with no car is probably the best time for me to find another job/be unemployed whilst looking.

I'm signed off at the moment but will be talking to my boss today, but this whole week whenever I've been panic free for a little while e.g. talking to my friends/family or as soon as I wake up I start to feel sick with guilt that maybe I'm exaggerating or faking my anxiety and I should just suck it up and go back. Does anyone else get this feeling?

I know this job isn't good for me because a lot of my OCD thoughts have got worse over this year (my toilet anxiety had been getting so much better and now this year its got to the point where I can't get in someone else's car or go on public transport with someone again) Then obviously I had the major relapse last weekend after a week of panic attacks and crying fits.

I don't know...my friends and family are super supportive and have said 'look it wasn't your dream job in the first place, take some time for the meds to kick in and then move on to something else' but I keep being like what if its the wrong choice, what if I never find another job, what if what if what if.

I don't even know what answers I want from this - I just feel like I should be sucking it up and getting on with it and I feel like a failure that I've decided to cut my losses and run.

07-03-14, 09:31
Does your boss know how you feel?

07-03-14, 11:11
All emotions can be exaggerated when you're stressed or anxious. Good ones, bad ones, doesn't matter.

the guilt is just another part of your psyche. Whenever there is a decision to be made there are usually arguments in favour of the decision or against the decision. Neither are necessarily good, bad, correct or incorrect. They are just oppossing sides of the argument. guilt is just a reflection of one side of the argument that has been happening inside you.

so it's normal and it's also exaggerated.