View Full Version : What do I do now?

07-03-14, 08:42
Hi all

Am struggling after a few good months. All the symptoms back and also the dark intrusive thoughts that scare me. Am on citalopram 40mg have been for a long time.

I know there are triggers such as the anniversary of mum passing away next week but it was also my birthday yesterday and I just couldn't feel happy.

Am so upset and annoyed with myself.

What do I do now? Feeling so out of control.


07-03-14, 08:58
Hi Mermaid sorry to hear your ill again ,have you had any counselling or cbt it will help alongside the meds

07-03-14, 09:09
Hi MrA

I had counselling not sure if it was CBT because it was arranged through work. I know that sounds daft but it was the first time I had experienced counselling. She told me about relapses and we worked on how to recognise it but it didn't come on gradually it was like a switch being turned on and bam here it is again.


07-03-14, 09:43
ive just got on a group course with rethink.org I applied online and got approval in under a week.Might be worth getting in touch with them

07-03-14, 10:35
I have 3 anniversaries of people dying coming up. My mum 22 years ago, my dad and my husband both 3 years ago, within 2 weeks of each other actually.
Sure I get sad but I try to remember the happy times.
But flowers your mum liked, write her a letter, listen to music she liked etc. You'll still feel down but you're only human:)

08-03-14, 02:15
Hey Mermaid,

I am getting caught up as I haven't been around here much….and just read your post here. I am so sorry you are having a rough time. Would some sort of grief counseling be of help concerning the death of your mom?

Have you checked out the free CBT course offered on here?

Also, are you working out at all? That is helping me tremendously.