View Full Version : Only Me

26-11-06, 22:18
Hi All,

Am going to keep this post brief for now, as I have already written it once and failed. (My fault:- nothing wrong with the site, I am just a bit IT inept.)

Until 2 weeks ago I would have baulked at the idea of talking to anyone on the web, let alone having the ability to admit there are things in my life which are out of my control. Then all of a sudden I found myself sitting at my desk shaking uncontrollably and in fear of my life. Now I find myself obsessively consulting doctor Google, inspite of the fact that I had not even consulted my own doctor in 3 years.

I have read the experiences of people on here, and hope that what I have just written will make sense to someone else. Otherwise how else do I rationalise going from being a laid back easy going person.. to a nervous wreck overnight!!

Comments or advice always welcomed!! ... Until recently I had no idea what a panic attack was, I now have massive appreciation for anyone who has the mental strength to get through one and move on!!!


26-11-06, 22:28
Hi Ben,

A big warm welcome to you. We are all here for each other so we don't feel alone.

Take Care


26-11-06, 23:09
Hi Ben,you have come to a good place,you will get lots of helpful advise and support here.We all know how you feel.;)

Ellen XX

26-11-06, 23:14
Hi Ben and welcome,

be careful with that googling. In just a few months I have had myself convinced that I have every known illness under the sun. Not good for the ole anxiety!


26-11-06, 23:45
welcome we all know how you feel...dont think you are alone ...we all suffer and can all help with bad times..
I will echo other comments DO NOT GOOGLE...its a terrible thing for panic and anxiety suffers to do..we've all done it and end up feeling 10 times worse for it..My therapist has banned me completely..
all I can say is get help demand help..its not a sign of madness/weakness etc..it demands the respect of any other illness...and there is a lot of help around
talk to us any time
sarah xx

27-11-06, 00:14
Hey Ben,

I'm just new as of today and I wanted to tell you that you are AMAZING for expressing your thoughts/feelings. Everything you say makes sense.

Keep reaching out. I think we'll learn a lot about ourselves through each other.

Take care,

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
-Dr. Seuss

Granny Primark
27-11-06, 11:38
Hi ben,

First let me say a warm welcome to you. This site will be invaluable to you im sure.
I didnt realise what a panic attack was until last year when i had a massive one whilst stuck in a traffic jam.
The amount of times ive been told that you wont die of a panic attack is unbelievable. I know that its a fact but it doesnt make them any less scary.
Im sure you will get loads of help, advice,support and encouragement from the members of this site.

Take care

27-11-06, 11:49
Hi ben , you are so not alone on here, i,m learning to cope pretty well with my anxiety, do you take any meds? i find that lately all i need is a quick spray of rescure remedy, and leaning to distract myself from the panic . keeping busy helps too. What kind of work do you do, and does this contribute to your anxiety?. Good to have you here take care. lorraine.:D

27-11-06, 16:22
Hey Ben

Welcome to this fantastic place. I'm sure by now you wil have realised you are not alone in how you think or how anxious you become.

The help and support in here is top. And most of all, you are never alone.

Take care


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

27-11-06, 18:52
hi ben,

welcome to nmp, i too like you had now undertanding or sympathy for people who suffered with panic anxiety or depression until it happened to me and then all of a sudden you understand how horrible it is. i now listen to people with the problems and have more time for people with it as i have suffered it for 2 years now and am still suffering, it will get better, just remember that you are not alone

take care


27-11-06, 19:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

27-11-06, 19:41
Thanks all for your messages of support. It is a real relief too know there are people here with experience of the way that I am feeling.
I cant help consulting google, unfortuantly also suffer from being a control freak and I have to learn about new things in my life. I have been to the doctor a couple of times in relation to this and am back again tomorrow. This is fot the results of a blood test to see if hyperactive thyroid is contributing to anxiety.

Lorraine - you asked what I do, I am a Salesman for an IT company. Is not low stress but would probably fall asleep at my desk if it was!

Lynn kindly sent me a message to explain what rescue remedy is and will be giving it a try.

Thanks Again!!


27-11-06, 20:10
Hi Ben

I really feel for you, i do!
My panic attacks have been happening for a few years now and i just feel like i have hit a brick wall with my GP i explain the situ, they prescribe and send me on my way.
I also suffer from shaking along with the feeling i am going to choke on my tongue or food (which has left me unable to eat properly) heart palps along with many more symptons.
At least we have both found this site and hopefully can come to understand whats going on in our heads.



27-11-06, 20:27
hello ben



the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

04-12-06, 20:03
Hi Ben

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel