View Full Version : Muffled hearing from a cold

07-03-14, 11:30
Hi everyone,

I have posted on this forum before but I've forgotten my username and password so I thought it was just easier if I made a new one!!!

I have suffered certain health related phobias and anxiety for years now, always relating to my ears. I know sometimes I sound like a real BABY but the fears are real and they make me sleepless at night. :( I know that several bad experiences with useless ENTs really have not helped.

Well, I'm a 40-something with good hearing, no real problems with my ears. I just had a bad cold a week ago, lots of phlegm and mucus... and about 3-4 days into my cold, I noticed my hearing was going somewhat muffled. I guess this isn't too surprising with a cold, and I was finding it harder/impossible to unblock my ears with a yawn like I normally do. I cannot remember EVER having muffled ears with a cold before so I started to get worried.

Now the cold is easing up and although I still have a slightly stuffy nose from time to time and a slight cough, it's practically over. Except, I still have muffled hearing! A few days ago, I decided it would be a good idea to try pinching my nose shut and blowing, and after trying it a few times my blocked ear went POP. Sweet relief! I thought that would be the end of it, but no... the next day after I woke up, I noticed my hearing was somewhat uneven again, my right ear being more blocked than the other. I ended up going to Boots to get some decongestants (Boots own brand) which worked really well in clearing up my nose, and the 2nd day I took it was the first full day I felt quite clear in both ears. Until the evening came, I went out in the cold, and the ears blocked up again. More panic, and I eventually managed to pop my ears by blowing and pinching my nose.

But now, I've just woken up and my ears are muffled AGAIN. There's still some residual stuffiness and mucus, not too bad. I've been inhaling steam but stopped the use of decongestant tablets after a friend told me they were of limited use. Someone also told me that by holding my nose and blowing, I was risking giving myself an ear infection by blowing infected mucus/fluid further up the tubes and into the ear?? Is this correct/possible??

And now I am slightly deaf again, I'm starting to get REALLY anxious about this and wonder if my tubes are ever going to clear themselves again? Someone else told me it was probably just fluid in my tubes and I had to give it time to clear, up to 2 weeks. I'm really upset, please someone, tell me that this happens ALL THE TIME and I'm just being a big baby. I hate hate hate this muffled feeling and want it to go away. I would cry but I know it'll only make my congestion worse!!!

panic womble

07-03-14, 11:54
i had this for about 2months after a very long cold the doctor told me it was because my snot [sorry] was clogging up my ear tube and made it swole. he told me to take decongeston lempsips [breath easy are a fave of mine] and he gave me antibiotic ear drops but silly me i did take the ear drops but not the lempsips so it didn,t clear thats why i had for so long so it gradually went about 2months or longer. then i had a bit of a cold again and what should come back the ear thing. and i thought im going to nip this in the bud. so i brought some ear drops just ones from the pound shop. got me lempsips done it all about 2weeks or less and it all went including my cold and i have not had it since. and that was earlie last year or the year before. silly me can,t remember.

07-03-14, 12:28
Ah I see, do Lemsips work for you in clearing up a snotty nose and such? I find that it doesn't do anything for me at all. I got myself some OTC decongestants (Boots own brand, containing pseudoephrine) and it was far more effective in clearing things up. The thing is, I've only taken it for 2 days and am afraid of taking it for longer as I haven't been prescribed them by a GP. I am hesitant to see my GP because he is really useless :( and I don't really trust him that much.

2 months is a long time?!?!?! The worst of my cold lasted a week and now I'm on the mend (slightly snotty now and then though). I'm hoping this goes away soon, as I really hate this feeling and it's hard to keep anxious thoughts away!!!

07-03-14, 15:14
Mine was like that for a while. I heated a damp flannel in the microwave and held it close to my ear, the steam helped it to unblock. Not too hot though! !

07-03-14, 15:35
Was it breathing in the steam from the hot flannel that helped?

07-03-14, 16:07
No I think the heat against my ear helped most

07-03-14, 16:23
Thanks I will have to try that along with my regular steam inhalation.

I have managed to pinch/blow and pop my ear at last, but who knows how long the relief will last? I'm also back on the decongestants, having stopped them for about a day to see if I could do without them. It's possible it's a coincidence but I seem to need them to keep things under control. :(

So much I don't understand, so my mind goes wild imagining all sorts!

07-03-14, 16:25
It nearly drive me mad but it does go eventually:)