View Full Version : My two year old always drinking. Worried!

07-03-14, 14:13
This week my two year old has been drinking more than normal. This started last weekend. He usually drinks milk, but we cut back and put water in his bottle. Now he seems to want water a lot.
Three nights ago he woke up several times. The next night he didn't wake up for it, and yesterday was better. But today he is asking again.
I don't know if it is a phase or not...

Dr Google says it is Diabetes. I took him to the Dr, and he ordered blood + urine test to rule out (or in) diabetes. He also mentioned that if it kept up, and the test was negative, he would refer us to a specialist.

Besides this, he is very active and happy. His weight seems stable. He had a bad flu a month ago, but recovered and has been ok.
His preschool hasn't noticed anything.
His diapers are wetter than normal sometimes, but the water has to come out.

Anyway, I am very worried. I know it is treatable, etc... but it is bothering me.

07-03-14, 15:34
I have a two year old and because you've substituted his milk it's not filling him like it usually would. So he's just drinking more to make up for maybe feeling hungry? give him a banana or light snack this may help him drink slightly less as he'll feel full.

Don't google. Plus being active as you say he is, he's just replenishing lost fluid.


07-03-14, 16:29
Thanks KLM! : )
That is helpful, and does give me some hope that it may be something else. It did start around when we cut back on the milk.

07-03-14, 22:15
I agree with the above and also it's the sucking motion of the bottle they love. It's not always that they are thirsty