View Full Version : Hi I'm Yasmin and I suffer from depression and anxiety

07-03-14, 18:24
Hi everyone I have been lurking around reading posts on this site for a wee while now and I thought maybe it was about time I joined and hopefully make some friends, get some advice and help other through similar situations as me.

I am Yasmin and I am 21 from Scotland. I am currently studying Bsc (Hons) Biology with The Open Uni. I live with my bf of 4 years and our 2 cats, Rambo and Nibbler. I have suffered from depression for the last 5/6 yrs and severe anxiety for the last year and a half. For me, the anxiety is the worst. The depression was crippling at times but the anxiety has made me suicidal at some points because I literally don't leave my house 99% of the time.

Like I said it got really bad a year and a half ago. I randomly got a panic attack out of the total blue while sitting in a biology lecture at college. It scared me to death. I thought I had been drugged or something. It took me a while to click it was a panic attack. It wasn't until it started happening in every single biology class afterwards that it clicked. I then started getting them in every college class, then on the train to college, then when out in town or just walking down the street to now, I get them every single day no matter what I am doing or who I am with. I am pretty much housebound. The only time I leave the house is to go to the docs across the road or my mum's and gran's and even then I am a nervous wreck with a paper bag over my mouth in case I puke.

Things got too much lately (just 2 weeks ago actually). In the space of a week one of my cats (I am an avid cat lady as you will find out as I post more in the forums no doubt!) got put down due to cancer, my papa got told he may need a heart op and he was also put on the transplant list for a new kidney as his own remaining kidney is going into renal failure, I had a severe health anxiety attack thinking I have lymphoma because I have had swollen nodes for a while, general uni work stress, but the worst, a close friend of mine was declared missing and later found dead in the river after what police say was him committing suicide.

I pretty much flipped. I honestly have never felt that bad or low in all my puff, especially since everything happened in the space of a few days. My mum dragged me to my GP and I have now been prescribed with 10mg citalopram and 2mg diazepam. The diazepam is mainly for my back since because I am always panicking, my back is always tense and painful and can sometimes make it hard to breathe.

Well there is a low down of me and my situation. I hope to make some friends on here and that we can all get through our problems together. Feel free to talk or message me anytime :)

Look forward to hearing from you all!

07-03-14, 18:30
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.

07-03-14, 18:37
Hiya Mark13. Nice to meet you :)

Cú Chulainn
07-03-14, 18:41
Hi Yasmin Welcome to the forum
Hope you can get some support

07-03-14, 19:42
Hi Cú Chulainn and thanks for the welcome. Nice to meet you :)

07-03-14, 20:25
Welcome Yasmin xx

07-03-14, 21:06
I must say, I've only been on this site a few hours but I can already tell I am going to meet some amazing people on here and have great support :)

07-03-14, 22:44
Welcome Yasmin, you really laid everything out there and that was really brave. Welcome to NMP, lovely to meet you :)

08-03-14, 18:29
Welcome Yasmin, you really laid everything out there and that was really brave. Welcome to NMP, lovely to meet you :)

Thanks, lovely to meet you too :)
I'm all up for talking about my problems and how I get through everything because you never know who could be reading and going through the same or similar and wants someone to talk to :)

08-03-14, 19:14
You hang in there Ginger. We all have our own story to tell on here, but people will always listen to you, and support you. Citalopram i am on 30mg of. Its a tough drug to be on but bare with it.

08-03-14, 22:54

08-03-14, 23:20
Thanks for the welcome :)
I'm really enjoying this forum and I am going to have a few rough weeks as I adjust to citalopram so its nice to have a place to come to rant and moan about how horrible the side effects are!