View Full Version : Another Neck Lump Post

07-03-14, 20:56
Hi Everyone, This is my first post. This site has been a great help, finally joining in. I have a bunch of weird symptoms going on in my head area, but most concerning is I have a lump under my chin right where it meets the neck. It feels hard, doesn't move, about the size of a pea, painless. My GP didn't seem concerned, got an ultrasound, waiting to hear back. I have an ENT appointment today.

Guess I'll just wait to hear from doctors, but am not really confident they'll know just from ultrasound and touch. Will not be totally convinced unless biopsied, which I'm fearful of in itself. Really hard to focus on anything else, as I'm sure many of you can relate....

I've found a couple posts on here of similar type lumps that were benign. Would love to hear more stories. Ultimately I hope to post back here with good news and give others hope!

07-03-14, 21:17
I am in the exact same situation as you except I have a lump behind my jaw and one at the bottom of my neck. I have always suffered from health anxiety so it was natural for me to assume I had some form of cancer.

The lump behind my jaw literally appeared overnight. I had terrible earache and jaw pain and after feeling about I found a giant grape size painful lump. I assumed it was a lymph node but still assumed it was something sinister.I went to the doc a few days later and she said I had an ear infection and gave me amoxicillin. The lump when from an oblong grape shape to the size and shape of a malteaster sweet. Around 2 months on and it is still here and its hard and barely moves unless I pretty much force it to. The doc at the follow up appointment said its normal for some nodes not to go down and not to worry.

Me being me I will worry until the day it totally goes down but even then, I'd still worry!

A week ago I had a sore ear on the same side as the node again, stingy red eye, cold sore, toothache and a sore nose all on the same side and I got that familiar pain in my neck again except down at the bottom at the base at the right side and after prodding I found a pea sized lump. This one however is softer and totally movable. I should be able to put two and two together and come up with its a lymph node from a little cold or virus I have but no I think its lymphoma, so much so that I am having panic attacks hourly or whenever I think about it. I'm paranoid I can feel lumps in other parts of my body but this is either just paranoia or maybe I'm feeling a vein,fat or muscle.

I'm going back to my GP on Monday for another issue anyway so I'm gonna bring up the lumps to her. I'll keep you posted.

07-03-14, 22:24
Please let us know!

08-03-14, 23:38
I will. Keep us updated on your progress too and good luck with your ENT appointment and ultrasound :)

10-03-14, 17:53
ENT said lump feels like a swollen lymph node, and that the ultrasound shows this is probably the case. Dr. said can't be totally sure unless I get an MRI, but advised that I wait a few more weeks before doing so. He thinks everything looks normal, and since I had a cold and some other sores in my mouth recently, that a swollen lymph node is probably related to this, rather than something more serious. Will be waiting next couple weeks, then might get an MRI, I guess....