View Full Version : Terrified of Brain Aneurysm!

07-03-14, 23:41
Hello everyone, let me just start off with some basics (since I'm new here). I am a 19 year old female with Lupus (which I don't need medication for, as it is currently in remission) and have been suffering from HA for about 5 months ever since I had a Panic Attack due to Dizziness.

For the past few weeks I've been having ... painful twinges in my head. (I wouldn't call them headaches because they only last from 1-10 seconds before they go away.)

They can be anywhere, but are usually on the right side of my head near the back of my head and my forehead. (But again .. the pain can be anywhere). Sometimes the pain is sharp, sometimes it feels dull or achy, sometimes its not pain at all, just pressure. The headaches aren't on like a timed schedule, they happen randomly throughout the day, and I usually have between 3-10 (a big range I know!) of them in a single day. Most of the time I would rate the pain a 4 out of 10.

I know by the description I'm giving already that it doesn't sound like a brain aneurysm and what I'm going to say next will make it seem even less likely.

For about... a good month and a half I have had tension in both shoulders. I don't always feel the tension but I know it's there (if I try and touch the muscles on my shoulders and neck they hurt ).

Even though I know all this.. I'm still terrified! I could be having horrible pain in my leg, or my back, or my foot.. and I would brush it off. But even the slightest twinge of pain in my head sends me into a panic.

I will tell myself that I am fine, that is more likely than not the tension in my shoulders/neck. But than my subconscious will be like 'Well.. you haven't moved your neck/shoulders in the past 10 minutes - why would you suddenly get a headache now?''

I'm at the end of my rope, as I've tried many things to try and get to a point where every little pain doesn't make my blood run cold. :weep: It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to leave my house because I live 5 minutes away from a hospital.

07-03-14, 23:56
:welcome: Saga!

Honestly to me it sounds like it's something to do with that tension. I know I get headaches and pains because of mine, I'm also curious to know if you clench/grind your teeth as that can also cause similar problems. Anxiety can cause the clenching by the way.

Try and get around that tension if you can, maybe it's an excuse for a massage?

It's good to see your getting better from your real problem, you'll be fine :)

08-03-14, 00:02
:welcome: Saga!

Honestly to me it sounds like it's something to do with that tension. I know I get headaches and pains because of mine, I'm also curious to know if you clench/grind your teeth as that can also cause similar problems. Anxiety can cause the clenching by the way.

Try and get around that tension if you can, maybe it's an excuse for a massage?

It's good to see your getting better from your real problem, you'll be fine :)

Hi there Luna! :hugs:

To answer your question - I don't think that I necessarily grind my teeth at night, but I defiantly do clench my teeth without knowing, and sometimes when I wake up in the morning I have to pop my jaw back into place. (My upper jaw is not aligned with my lower jaw so when I talk, chew, ect. the left side of my jaw's in and out).

I have had some mild pain in my jaw throughout the week (more like an ache than actual pain) but here I am - ignoring that because it's not high up in my head :roflmao:

08-03-14, 00:14
Hi there Luna! :hugs:

To answer your question - I don't think that I necessarily grind my teeth at night, but I defiantly do clench my teeth without knowing, and sometimes when I wake up in the morning I have to pop my jaw back into place. (My upper jaw is not aligned with my lower jaw so when I talk, chew, ect. the left side of my jaw's in and out).

I have had some mild pain in my jaw throughout the week (more like an ache than actual pain) but here I am - ignoring that because it's not high up in my head :roflmao:

Don't worry I have a similar problem, but I still can't except it's something harmless.

Perhaps you could get a check up with a dentist who may be able to help? mine gave me a mouth guard, they should be able to correct your bite as well.

It's called a TMJ disorder (TMJ is your jaw joint) I even get ear problems because of it! :)

08-03-14, 02:36
I have this currently and surprisingly enough it turns out I have a bad sinus infection. Or as Luna said it could be tension it's called ice pick headaches. It will pass.