View Full Version : Today I will...

08-03-14, 10:04
Today, I will not Google my symptoms.

Today, I will not ask my partner/sister/mum for reassurance about my symptoms.

Today, I will not check, check, check myself in the mirror, or photograph 'suspicious' moles.

Today, I will not examine my poo. (I know. Yuk!)

Today, I will use mindfulness to stop myself worrying about upcoming medical procedures.

Today, I will go for a walk and breathe the air and look at the sky.

Today, I will remember the sunset, and the beauty in the world.

What will/won't you do today? :)

08-03-14, 13:05
Lovely post Claire :)

Hope your day is going to plan.

Today....I will make cakes and listen to Tom Petty CDs and have a walk by the sea and NOT HAVE TIME for worrying!

Always appreciate the beauty in the world around us, I'm a bit of an old hippy but I truly do believe we can gain a lot from just 'being' in the natural world.

Have a peaceful day hon.

Lin x

08-03-14, 13:48
Today (well for the rest of the day) keep an eye of the football

Today I will try not to seek as much reassurance from my parents, Internet etc about my symptoms I am still very scared about my health anxiety.

If I go for a poop today I will not look at it as much

Try and believe that the scans I have had with my worried of bowel cancer etc believe there was no pouches, no signs of the big c word, not even one of the NF things I have.

Today not look at GP appointments available, even though I have asked would it be possible to have one the things removing, I got a few questions to asked one of the GPs at the practice, even though I don't know which GP at the practice I registered to knows more about them, I know I will need to see a specialist to have it removing.

As for self checking today I will probably find it hard to reduced it to a more sensibly number per month

Today well from now try and not go on daily mail every health article (I know I can block searches) and googling symptoms. Even though I must try and believe the GPs and specialist that little voice in my head has not shut up telling me I may have something wrong with me.

08-03-14, 16:31
Lin, Phil, I love your posts! I hope you have had a good day today. Isn't it nice to have some sunshine for a change? :) x

08-03-14, 16:42
Today I will love on my sick 4 year old the way my mama always loved on me.

Today I will get my house back in order as it amazing how fast it went downhill when I was tending to yesterday's panic episode.

Today I will comb this forum looking for people that I might be able to help as they fight for recovery from anxiety.

Today I will be mindful and grateful for the many, many blessings around me in this very moment, and I will not fixate on anything beyond that.


08-03-14, 16:57
Awww. TooMuchToLiveFor, that's lovely. I think it's great that you help people here. X :) I remember when I first came here, pulse racing, mind whirring, hands sweating, feeling like I'd been beaten with a stick, terrified I was dying... And then I had some kind advice from the people here, some hope, and a nudge in the right direction. It helped me get better. X :)

---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

Today, I will dye my hair, as the sun really highlighted the greys, which have taken to growing vertically (why?)! X :)

08-03-14, 17:02
Love that Claire I too have dyed my hair only down side of the lovely sunshine!
Today I am going to a party to spend time with the people I love
To enjoy walking my dog
To enjoy the cake I got at the farmers market.

08-03-14, 17:06
Hi Flossy! Sounds great! I love Farmer's markets and.... Mmmmm cake! X

08-03-14, 17:51
I know everything is better with cake :D x

08-03-14, 18:00
Oooh-- what kind of cake?

08-03-14, 22:46
Any kind of cake! ;p

09-03-14, 00:38
It was chocolate brownie! Yum:)

09-03-14, 00:51
:p' x

09-03-14, 08:41
Today I will not imagine fictional characters in neon thongs. :)

09-03-14, 09:30
Today play on my ps3 a bit

Today I will try not to check myself (self exam) every two minutes, testicular, neck etc, scared of testicular, leukemia, non hodgkin's lymphoma, hodgkins etc at the moment (as well as head and neck cancer)